Yes, oranges are edible for guinea pigs. Oranges are rich in essential nutrients, including vitamin C. Vitamin C is very important for guinea pigs. Oranges are a suitable external source of vitamin C for pigs as they cannot make it by themselves. Oranges do not have many calories and fat. They also contain potassium. Pigs like the taste of oranges very much. They want to have oranges, especially in hotter months. This fruit also has several health benefits for them. Due to its high sugar content, it can only be given occasionally to them.
Oranges are essential to maintain the cardiovascular health of little rodents. The fibers in it are also crucial for their gastrointestinal health.
Do Guinea Pigs Like Oranges?
Although the taste of guinea pigs varies from individual to individual. The general observation shows that mostly these pigs have an attitude of liking oranges. This is basically because of the sweet nature of oranges.
Orange peels are also their favorite. Because they can chew them and it gives them pleasure. However, there is still a possibility that your pet might refuse to eat an orange because it does not like its taste.
Nutritional Facts
Source: USDA National Nutrient database
Details | Specifications |
Vitamin A | 225 IU |
Calcium | 40 mg/ 100 g |
Phosphorous | 14 mg/ 100 g |
Potassium | 181 mg/ 100 g |
Fiber | 2.4 g/ 100 g |
Sugar | 9 g/ 100 g |
Protein | 0.94 g/ 100 g |
Carbs | 11.75 g/ 100 g |
Calories | 47 Kcal |
Fat | 0.12 g/ 100 g |
Water | 86.75 g/ 100 g |
Health Benefits Of Oranges
Vitamin C
Oranges provide vitamin C, which helps guinea pigs avoid different diseases, including scurvy, arthritis, etc.
Limonene is also present in oranges which are suitable for the prevention of cancer.
Oranges are loaded with anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Antioxidants assist in avoiding inflammation diseases.
Vitamin A and vitamin B6
Vitamin A and vitamin B6 are suitable for the maintenance of the healthy metabolism of guinea pigs. Proper eyesight is also somehow dependent on vitamin A.
High calcium content
Young and pregnant piggies require more calcium. Oranges have high calcium content. That’s why they are necessary for them.
Bone marrow development is significantly dependent on folate, and oranges also come with folate.
Fibers are necessary for piggies for a lot of reasons, including for their gastrointestinal health.
This mineral helps pigs in the healthy development of their muscles.
Health Risks Of Oranges
How Much & How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Oranges?
If oranges are given in moderation, they are a good diet for guinea pigs. Maximum two slices of oranges are enough for one guinea pig. Two pieces of oranges should also not be given daily but only once or twice a week. This snack should not be served to them consecutively. If your pet is fond of this fruit, make sure it is not accessible when they roam freely. They cannot resist eating it in excess. Otherwise, you can put your pet’s health at risk.
Can Guinea Pigs Drink Orange Juice?
Guinea pigs might like orange juice because of its sweet nature. But orange juice is not healthy for them. It only contains sugar. All the beneficial nutrients are removed from the fruit when juicing it. Thus orange juice is not advisable to be included in your pet’s diet.
However, there are specific ways in which pigs can drink orange juice. The juice should be free of all the preservatives, artificial flavor, coloring, etc. It should also be diluted. When preparing orange juice for your pet, make sure to remove the seeds to avoid any choking hazard.
If your little rodent is showing any indication of mouth sores, immediately stop feeding it juice. Even after all these, you can only give a very tiny amount of orange juice to your piggy.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Oranges?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat canned oranges. Canned fruits, vegetables are strictly prohibited for your pet. They are a massive threat to your pig’s stomach. Only fresh foods should be served to them.
To increase the life of canned foods, including canned oranges, different kinds of preservatives are added to them. Canned oranges also contain a considerable amount of acid, sugar, potassium, etc. That’s why you should never give canned oranges or any other canned food to your pet ever.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Orange Peels?
Guinea pigs have a natural desire to chew something constantly. Orange peels serve this purpose. These peels are safe for your pig, but only in a controlled quantity. Beneficial nutrients like vitamin C are also present in it.
Still, consuming it in excess amounts is harmful. You can only serve some small pieces of it to them once a week. Orange peels may also contain some toxic pesticides. Therefore, you should wash it before giving it to the pet.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Satsumas?
Guinea pigs can eat satsumas safely. This type of orange is rich in vitamin C. It also contains a considerable amount of sugar and acid. Excess consumption of it is, however, still not preferable.
Therefore, only give it once, or a maximum of twice a week. This is because of the presence of sugar and acid content in it. Also, they are easy to peel off.
Are Mandarin Oranges Edible For Guinea Pigs?
Yes, guinea pigs can have mandarin oranges. Mandarin oranges are rich in vitamin A. They also contain a lot of sugar and acid too. Therefore, you can give it to your pet but in a limited quantity. Even mandarin peel or skin is also edible.
It contains the same amount of vitamin C as the fruit itself. Only fresh and raw mandarin oranges are suitable for your pet. Avoid giving tinned mandarins to them.
Are Tangerines Suitable For Guinea Pigs?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat tangerines. They are safe for them. But they also can be given only in moderation. Do not give it to your pet more than twice a week. Tangerine peels are also edible and safe for the pig.
Are Blood Oranges Harmful to Guinea Pigs?
After removing the seeds, you can give blood oranges to your pet. They are sweeter and darker than regular oranges. Sugar is present in excess in blood oranges. Calcium is also present but in a low quantity. Vitamin C is, however, present in large amounts. So, it is safe if you treat your pig with blood oranges one or two times per week.
Are Clementines Safe For Guinea Pigs?
Clementines are much more acidic than standard oranges. If given a little more amount than the appropriate one, it can cause serious harm to the intestine of pigs. You can give it to your pet, but the quantity should remain at a minimum.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Orange Leaves?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat orange leaves. They are safe as well as beneficial for them. But there is a possibility that your pet might not like the taste of it. There are many other alternatives also present, which you can serve to your pet as a treat.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Orange Seeds?
Guinea pigs are tiny animals. They have sensitive stomachs. They cannot eat or digest everything. Orange seeds should not be given to them. These seeds are much larger for them to digest. They are also slippery. Pigs may choke while trying to eat them. The best way to serve them oranges is first to remove the seeds.
Can Wild Guinea Pigs Eat Oranges?
Although guinea pigs are no longer found in the wild, their ancestors are still present there. So do they also eat oranges? Oranges grow in areas cultivated by humans. In wild places, there are no such areas. So pigs present there primarily fulfill their need for vitamin C and other essential nutrients by eating hay, grass, etc.
In addition to this, wild pigs need to climb the trees to eat oranges if no one else serves them. Guinea pigs are unable to climb so high. Therefore they can only eat oranges when their masters do them.
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Alternatives Of Orange
Your pet might not like the taste of oranges; although it is rare in that case, you need to find an alternative for them.
Following are some alternatives of oranges for guinea pigs:
Guinea pigs have a particular diet. They cannot eat everything, but fresh and organic oranges are edible for them. Oranges are a perfect snack for your little rodent. However, excess of it is harmful. Therefore, one should only give it to their pet in moderation. Seeds, Leaves, juice, and peels of oranges are safely edible under proper expert guidance.