do guinea pigs blink | Blinking Habits Of Guinea Pigs

There is a common misconception about guinea pigs that they do not blink at all. However, this is a fabricated statement. The truth is that guinea pigs can blink. But this act is not done by them frequently. Mainly guinea pigs only blink when something is wrong with their eyes. It can be an eye infection, or some source of irritation has entered their eyes. 

Although these piggies are no longer found in the wild, their natural habitat is forest. Due to this, they have a general habit of keeping their eyes open all the time. Even when they sleep, their eyes remain open. So, they can detect any danger, i.e., predators. When they feel entirely safe, they close their eyes. They don’t have too much power. If they blink a lot like humans, it can put their life at serious risk. 

This habit of guinea pigs also varies from individual to individual. Pigs that do not live in the wild and pets who feel comfortable enough are seen blinking a little more than usual. 

Eyelids Of Guinea Pigs

Since guinea pigs always have their eyes open, you might think that they do not have eyelids. But they do have eyelids. They use their eyelids to blink when necessary. Also, to keep their eyes away from dust and grime. 

Usually, the eyelids of these little rodents are not easily visible. But when their eyelids are infected, they become swollen. So, the infected eyelids of guinea pigs become visible. Infection happens mainly because some dirty or pointed pieces get in the eyes of guinea pigs.  

When Do Guinea Pigs Close Their Eyes?

Guinea pigs are very rarely seen with closed eyes. They always keep their eyes open. Therefore, they could run for their lives when any predator is around them.  These pigs are the natural prey, and that’s why they have adapted accordingly. But they also do close their eyes. This happens when they have fallen into a deep sleep. 

Also, when they have sensed that there is no potential danger around them. This duration is of minimal time, even at that time when their eyes are closed. Their other senses, like hearing, are active to avoid any uncertainty. 

It is possible that you can see your pet sleeping with closed eyes a little longer. This is most probably because it feels that there is no threat around that place. 

Sleeping Habits Of Guinea Pigs

Sleeping Habits Of Guinea Pigs
Guinea Pigs sleep for short durations at different times of the day

Guinea pigs’ sleeping habits seem a little weird to humans. They do not sleep all at once. They sleep for short durations at different times of the day. It demand a total sleep of four to six hours per day to stay healthy. They also only close their eyes when they believe they are secure. Otherwise, they sleep with open eyes. 

All these habits are because of the natural programming of pigs. They have been naturally trained to protect themselves from predators. If they sleep for a longer time and with closed eyes, they may lose their lives. 

However, these habits can vary in guinea pigs. Pet guinea pigs sometimes tend to sleep more than usual. Nothing is alarming in this. This is simply because they trust their owners and feel protected around their place. 

Sleeping habits can also vary because of age. Older rodents have set a proper routine. That’s why they take a little longer naps. Usually, the time of their one nap is 30 minutes. 

What Do Guinea Pigs Do When They Are Startled?

Guinea pigs are mammalian animals like humans, but they are sometimes more reasonable than us. Unlike us, they become more alert and attentive when they are scared. They do not blink their eyes being startled. It is because this can increase the risk for them. Their eyes remain wide open in such situations. Hence, they could understand better what to do. 

How Frequently Do Guinea Pigs Blink?

The frequency of guinea pigs’ blinking rate varies from pig to pig. Some of these piggies which live in safe places blink more than those which live in wild places. 

However, the natural habit of these little rodents doesn’t allow them to blink more often. Therefore, you might never get a chance to see a guinea pig blinking. The reason is the same as already described, to avoid predators. 

What If A Guinea Pig Blinks A Lot?

As already described, guinea pigs usually don’t blink a lot. But if your pet is blinking more than usual. Then there are possibly two reasons :

  • Either your pet feels comfortable enough with you and is not perceiving any danger around.
  • Or an eye infection might be causing it to do so.

You need to notice carefully if your pet is showing any symptoms of infection or not. If yes, then take it immediately to a vet. And if not, then congratulations, you have won your pet’s trust.

Do Guinea Pigs Blink While Asleep?

Do Guinea Pigs Blink While Asleep
Guinea Pigs can blink while as sleeping

Yes, they can blink while asleep. Although they sleep with open eyes, if some foreign object has gained access to their eyes, they remove it by blinking. Also, they can blink to keep their eyes moist. But this is improbable. Because when guinea pigs are sleeping, their eyes don’t usually get dry. 

Do Guinea Pigs Blink With Only One Eye?

Sometimes, guinea pigs are seen blinking only one eye. It is because they can control when and how to blink their eyes. Their behavior of blinking eyes is different from other mammals. If something is irritating their only one eye, you might see them blinking that eye only. This is entirely normal behavior. There is nothing much to be concerned about this.  

Why Do Guinea Pigs Have Red Eyes?

Guinea pigs do not have red eyes. But if your pet is showing red eyes, it is the symptom of an eye infection. The eyes are very fragile organs of every mammal, including guinea pigs. That’s why they are very susceptible to eye infections. 

Eye infections can cause many problems with the little rodent’s eyes. Some of these problems include the scratched cornea, ulcer, or even worse, a tumor. There are various causes for your pig’s eye infection. 

Maybe it has been exposed to bacterial spores or fungal ones. This can affect either one or both of the eyes of pigs. 

Medication can help them in fighting against infection. However, you cannot help it without knowing that it has been suffering from an illness. 

Therefore, you need to know common symptoms of eye infections, which are:

  • Redness of the eyes
  • Swollen eyes
  • Permanently closed vision
  • Discharge
  • Continuously shedding tears, etc.


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Do Guinea Pigs Have Eye Boogers?

The discharge can be released from guinea pigs’ eyes. They clean it from their paws.  It is a natural process. But in cleaning it, they may unintentionally scratch their cornea. This can cause serious problems. But if pigs wait for discharge to stop naturally. It does not last more than 24 hours. Usually, when the irritant is eradicated, discharge also stops. 

Prevention Of Eye Infections In Guinea Pigs

This is true that you cannot prevent every eye problem for guinea pigs. But some issues can be avoided by taking proper precautionary measures. These measures include providing your pet a bacteria-free environment. This can be done by keeping their cage clean. Also, make sure not to put two pigs in the same cabinet. 

They can indulge in a fight and can hurt each other’s eyes. Moreover, give a regular visit to your vet to avoid things getting serious. In the end, stay vigilant about your pet. Notice if it is showing any symptoms of eye infections. 

The Eyesight Of Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs can use their vision to avoid predators. The eyes of these piggies can let them have a sight at an angle of 340 degrees. Moreover, they can see 33 images at a time, far more than humans. But their eyes can do a limited number of functions. They are unable to judge the depth. This restriction is especially risky for pet guinea pigs. 

Their master might unknowingly put them on the top of the shelf. And they can fall from it because of being unable to judge the depth. Falling from the height can break their limbs. Also, it can cause them many other damages like a head injury. 

Are Guinea Pigs Color Blind?

No, guinea pigs are not color blind. They can differentiate between colors. This helps them in searching for food. Also, it helps them avoid predators. 

Many studies have proved that these piggies are even better than dogs and other animals in differentiating colors. 

Although they can see all the colors, some studies suggest that they are more sensitive to green. 

However, they are very slightly colorblind. It means they cannot see all colors 100% accurately. But this degree of color blindness is so tiny that it is negligible. 

Can Guinea Pigs See In The Dark?

Because guinea pigs keep their eyes open at night, you might think they can see in the darkness very well. But in reality, they are unable to see entirely in the dark. Their vision is limited during the nighttime. 

Some studies and experts also say that these pigs cannot see in the darkness at all. According to them, they depend on their other senses to avoid any danger at night. However, this is an ongoing debate because nothing has been proven yet. 


Guinea pigs do blink. This is not done by them frequently but only when they feel necessary. They also have eyelids, but they are usually not visible. Only infected eyelids can be seen clearly. These pigs even don’t close their eyes when sleeping.

But if your pet blinks more, then there is nothing to worry about. Little rodents are prone to different eye problems. There are specific symptoms of that. But some of them can be prevented somehow. Guinea pigs do not have powerful eyesight. But they are also not colorblind.