Do Rabbits Drink Water? How Much? Can Rabbits Drink Cold Water?

Yes. Like other mammals, rabbits drink an excessive amount of water every 24 hours. If your rabbit does not take water for about a day it can cause dehydration to them. Dehydration may cause other health problems or it may be fatal sometimes.

It is incredibly important for your rabbits to drink water every day to maintain their weightage and to regulate their body processes such as digestion. In this article, we will share some highlights about what equipments you need to give your rabbit clean and healthy water and how much water should you daily give your rabbit? Or should you offer him in a bowl or a bottle?

If you want to know how to make your rabbits drink water go read the article below.

Does Rabbit Drink Water?

Like any other pet, rabbits also need large intakes of water for their well-being. Water is essential for rabbits in many ways. Some rabbits that eat vegetables and grass will have less water intake whereas; rabbits feeding on hay have large water intakes.

Rabbits, either wild or domestic pets, all need water to regulate their body processes. Water helps in regulating the blood flow of your rabbit. It also helps in urinating and defecate the excess.

As rabbits have a complex digestive system, only an excess amount of water could help to process the food. Moreover, water flushes an excess percentage of calcium from rabbits.

How Do Rabbits Drink Water In The Wild?

How Do Rabbits Drink Water In The Wild
Wild rabbits drink groundwater

There is a concern about the drinking of wild animals. Many people have said that wild animals drink water from sources like puddles, rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams.

Some also have said that wild rabbits burrow their warrens just near the water sources from where they can lap to fresh and clean water.

Wild rabbits may also rely on groundwater to fulfill their needs.

In some conditions, they take water from nature. It means they feed on green vegetables, grass, and leaves that contain large water content.

This is so proven by witnessing the natural habitat of wild rabbits in the non-availability of water streams.

Can Rabbits Drink Water From A Bowl?

Rabbits in wild naturally drink water from the ground. This is their natural way of drinking from water streams. Pet rabbits are usually offered to drink from water bowls or water bottles.

The best way to make your rabbit drink water naturally is to provide them in a crock. A crock is a rabbit’s water bowl. There are many advantages to it.

While drinking from a crock (water bowl for rabbits) they can lap as much water as they want and with feasibility to them. A bowl appeals more to a rabbit than a water bottle because they can lap from it in their natural way and in a suitable posture.

Moreover, lapping from a crock does also not cause pain in your rabbit’s neck as your rabbit does not have to contort herself while drinking from a bowl.

How Much Water Does Rabbit Drink Daily?

How Much Water Does Rabbit Drink Daily
It depends on rabbit size

Water is something that cannot be required in the same amount for each rabbit. Every rabbit has its reasons to drink more or less water. It depends on some factors that:

  • How active your rabbit is?
  • What diet does she consume daily?
  • The temperature around her surrounding?
  • How old your rabbit is? and 
  • How energetic she is?

These factors will decide the percentage of water intake by your rabbit. However, you should also know that an adult 4 lbs rabbit can intake up to 180 ml of water each day which is about 10% of the weight of the rabbit.

Does Rabbit Drink Water Daily?

A simple answer is yes. Rabbits do drink water daily. Water is very important for rabbits. It keeps them hydrated all the time and maintains their body weight.

Less water intake could cause your rabbit kidney problems and dehydration in summers.

Rabbits consume more water in summers than in winters. Also, it depends if your rabbit often eats fresh green grass and vegetables, then she takes less water consumption. If you feed your rabbit on hay or dry plants she needs large water consumption daily.

To be healthy, rabbits need water consumption daily but the water consumption mainly depends on two factors that are your rabbit’s weight and age.

Taking these two factors into consideration we have made in-depth research. The following table discusses various weights and appropriate water consumption levels of different age groups of rabbits: 

Age Groups Of Rabbits Water Consumption Level
Month and a half-year-old (750 gm) 120 ml water per day
1 – 2 years old (25 kg) 400 ml water per day
Three years old rabbit (3 lbs) 100 – 600 ml water per day
An average 4 lbs rabbit (10% body weight) 8 – 10 oz water per day

However, a pregnant rabbit or breastfeeding mother rabbit can consume 3 liters of water per day during the lactation period. While the sick rabbits consume fewer fluids than the healthier ones.

How Often Do Rabbits Drink Water?

How Often Do Rabbits Drink Water
Rabbits cannot survive without water

Rabbits should have all-time access to freshwater. Without water, they cannot survive in the long term and may get a serious illness or fatal. 

If you are a rabbit owner. Or petting baby rabbits in your house make sure to provide them water to keep them hydrated in long summer periods.

Remember, baby rabbits and pregnant female rabbits need more water supplies for their health and well-being. Keep their water bowls clean filled and debris-free.

Can Rabbits Drink Cold Water?

In hot summer seasons, Rabbits prefer to drink cold water. When the temperature rises above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, you should give your rabbits tepid or warm water rather than hot. This will keep them hydrate and active for the long term. 

Your bunny will enjoy drinking cold water!


Here I end up this article with some insightful facts about the water needs of your rabbit and which equipment can be useful in doing so.

Keep attention if your bunny doesn’t consume water. Or Drinking water throughout the day could save your little bunny from various serious illnesses such as dehydration, dry stool, and weight loss.

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