Leghorn Chicken Breed, Facts, Care, Eggs and All Information

The Leghorn Chicken breed has originated from Tuscany. It was first exported in 1828 to North America. The old name of this breed was “Italians” but later on in 1865, they were called Leghorn chicken. However, this chicken was introduced in Britain in 1870.

White leghorn is the most used chicken in multiple countries due to its high layers. Furthermore, it comes in 10 colors but the French poultry federation divides this breed into 4 groups including American white, English white, old type, and modern type.

White Leghorn

White Leghorn
Their average lifespan is 4 to 6 years only

This breed is known as layer chicken and is widely used by various countries around the globe. It is the top egg producer in the world and lays white colored eggs. Furthermore, the chicken has a single red colored comb and a white body with the brown legs. The white leghorn chicken eggs are large.

White Leghorn Hens

The white leghorn hens are considered as the good layers that lay 280-320 eggs per year. However, this chicken is athletic, non-sitters, and hardy. Their eggs are large and come with a good feed to egg conversion ratio as compared to others. If you’re thinking of getting a chicken for free-range farming or organic free-range eggs then it is the best one.

Moreover, the white leghorn chicken is not broody at all; they rarely go broody. So if you’re waiting for hatching then instead of relying on the hen put the egg in an incubator or place the fertilized eggs under the chicken that has brooding nature.

White Leghorn chicks

The white leghorn chicken produces the fertilized eggs if you keep them along with a rooster. However, they are not broody so you’ll need to collect the fertilized eggs and place it in an incubator for 10 days. Another option to get the chicks of this breed is to keep the fertilized eggs under the exceptionally broody chicken breed.

After hatching the white leghorn baby chicks will require protection to stay safe from the cat or dog attacks. As the white leghorns are the rotten mothers so you’ll need to take care of the baby by keeping them in a brooder. Give them chick feed to eat and provide them water but not in a bowl. Give them drops through a dropper.


White Leghorn Chicken Facts

Following are the facts of white leghorn chicken:

  • It is the US heritage and most popular bird around the globe.
  • Their average lifespan is 4 to 6 years only.
  • This bird has a dual purpose that means you can use it for meat as well as egg production.
  • The leghorn chicken has so many breeders so it is not difficult to get this breed from anywhere.
  • This is the foundation breeder for many chickens that are used for egg production.
  • These are not fond of touch but still, have a lovely and energetic temperament.
  • This bird is flighty and can fly to small fences sometimes.
  • However, it is not a reliable chicken for sitting on eggs and not broody at all. Moreover, this breed does not make good mothers.
  • The eggs of leghorns have extremely prolific egg layers that make them popular.
  • They are hardy that’s why you don’t need to provide them much maintenance at all.
  • The chicken comb is prone to frosting in cold winters.

Brown Leghorn

Brown Leghorn
Brown leghorn rooster is mostly friendly

The brown leghorn chicken comes with colorful plumage and is divided into dark as well as light brown colors. However, the females have a medium reddish-brown color with darker wings and pale salmon breasts. Furthermore, the boys have orange hackles with the saddle feathers and black stripes in the center.

Brown Leghorn Hen

The brown leghorn hen has 5 to 6 pounds weight and a colorful brown body with a darker brown tail. However, these brown leghorn chickens do not like cuddling and are active. Moreover, this breed is considered unfriendly, fighty, and independent. Furthermore, the hen is not broody at all and probably makes the awful mothers.

Additionally, if they keep the chickens in their feather to get matured then probably the hen will not be ready to lay eggs for 18 to 20 weeks. They also lay white eggs the same as other members of the breed.

Brown Leghorn Rooster

The brown leghorn rooster is mostly friendly but noisy yet aggressive sometimes. They have a bright red comb, wattles, and deep reddish eye color. Furthermore, the rooster has orange hackles, black sickles, and covert feathers. Their tail and wings are black but the rest of the body is orange. However, the weight of the rooster is 5 pounds.

Brown Leghorn Chicks

The brown leghorn chicks have are stripped the same as the little chipmunks and are so lively. They are quite active right after a few hours, so you’ll not even take off the lid to look at them because the chicks will already jump-off.

Leghorn Rooster

It is an intelligent yet resourceful bird but considered one of the aggressive roosters. Their attack is more painful due to large wattles and leg spurs. The leghorn rooster has a narrow yet longer feather around the body. They look after the hens and alert them when seeing any food.

Moreover, the rooster also helps them to find a good place for laying eggs. The roosters who live with other roosters can generate a pecking order that shows you can place them together.

Leghorn Chicken Breed

Leghorn Chicken Breed
Leghorn Chicken eggs are white

This breed comes in a variety of colors including white, silver, black, brown, buff. However, no matter whatever their body color is the eggs will be pure white. They are small and compact with a weight of 4 to 6 pounds. However, their comb is large yet single.

They lay eggs for roughly 18 weeks but it can vary according to the time of year and environmental factors. Furthermore, the leghorn chicken starts laying eggs at 16 to 17 weeks old most probably.

Leghorn Eggs

The Leghorn chicken breed eggs are white in color and large in size. They can produce 280 eggs per year or sometimes 300-320 eggs depend on the quality of food and care you provide.

Leghorn Chicken Facts

  • They are the small breeds with noisy nature and great styles.
  • These chickens are excellent foragers and capable of flight.
  • Their legs are yellow with the red-colored eyes and females have double folded comb, whipped tail, and deep abdomen.
  • Furthermore, this chicken is active and energetic all the time.
  • They grow up and mature fastly.
  • The leghorn chickens are not broody and considered as non sitters.


1. Is leghorn chicken friendly?

These chickens are generally friendly but could get aggressive sometimes.

2. How long does leghorn chicken live?

They can live for 4 to 6 years.

3. What colors are leghorn chickens?

This chicken comes in many colors including white, buff, silver, brown, black, cuckoo, red, mottled.

4. Are leghorn roosters aggressive?

The leghorn roosters are considered as the most aggressive ones and have large wattles plus leg spurs that make their attack more painful.


Leghorn chickens are beautiful and have the best layers. Furthermore, they have a calm and cool nature. This chicken is considered as an excellent forager but not a good mother. Moreover, they have the capability of laying a good amount of eggs per year and people also use them for meat production.

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