Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe? | Its Nutritional Facts And Serving Size

Guinea pigs can eat cantaloupe fruit which is the same as melon, but bigger. Deciding what your home pet will eat besides their commercial food, is a crucial task. The main concern is whether they will like it or what benefits it will provide. Occasionally, it is okay to feed your guinea pig, a cantaloupe. But, there are few things to consider about what guinea pigs’ bodies require and what is the nutritional value of cantaloupe for them. Read the article to the end to find out answers about feeding cantaloupe to guinea pigs.

What Are Guinea Pigs?

Guinea pigs known as pocket pets are from a species of rodent, and a member of the cavy family of animals. They are called pocket pets because of their small body size. They can grow up to 10 to 11 inches in size. The body weight of adult guinea pigs is about 2.5 pounds. These pigs can live up to 8 to 10 years. They love to socialize with their owners. Guinea pigs are a source of meat as well as used for research purposes. 

What Is Cantaloupe?

What Is Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe is a high nutrition fruit

Cantaloupe belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and is associated with a species of muskmelon. They grow all around the globe and people love to eat cantaloupe. They are different from melons due to their yellow rough skin and yellow flesh. Coming to its taste, it is very sweet, juicy, and delicious. Cantaloupe is a summer fruit and is called by other names like rockmelon, sweet melon, spanspek, etc. It has a high nutritional value which we will discuss further. 

Nutritional Facts Of A Cantaloupe

Your guinea pigs will enjoy eating the cantaloupe treat, once in a while. It is a great source of Vitamin A and VItamin C. 

Fine chopped one-cup cantaloupe servings give the below-mentioned benefits.

  • Calories 60 grams
  • Fiber 6 grams
  • Proteins 5 grams
  • Carbohydrates 6 grams
  • Fats 3 grams
  • Vitamin A 5987 iu
  • Potassium 473 mg
  • Vitamin C 65 mg
  • Vitamin B6 .1 mg
  • Manganese 1 mg 
  • Magnesium 2 mg 
  • Thiamine .1 mg 
  • Pantothenic acid .2 mg 
  • Copper .1 mg 
  • Calcium 9 mg 
  • Folate 2 mcg
  • Vitamin K 4 mcg 

How Much Vitamin C In Cantaloupe?

From the nutritional chart, we can predict that cantaloupe has an abundance of vitamin C present. One cup of cantaloupe fruit supplies 65 mg of vitamin C, which is almost 78 percent. Opposed to humans and few other animals, guinea pig’s bodies are incompetent to bring out Vitamin C on their own. They depend on the food for vitamin C intake. 

Guinea pigs having sufficient amounts of vitamin C can fight against infections and diseases. Vitamin C develops immunity to fight against viruses and bacteria and maintains overall health. Due to Vitamin C deficiency in the body, your little friend can develop the scurvy disease. A normal guinea pig body demands 10 mg of Vitamin C every day for proper immunity and functioning. A pregnant guinea pig’s body demands 20 mg of vitamin C a day today. Although cantaloupe is rich in Vitamin C, you cannot feed it every day. 

By concluding, you can say:

  • It helps to absorb iron in the body.
  • This promotes body growth and development.
  • It builds immunity to fight against health issues.
  • It minimizes the chance of scurvy.

Is Cantaloupe A Good Source Of Fiber?

Is Cantaloupe A Good Source Of Fiber
No it’s not a good source of fiber

Cantaloupe is not a good source of fiber, but its small amount does everything a guinea pig’s body needs. Does the question arise how much fiber is in a cantaloupe? A single cup of cantaloupe has only 6 grams of fiber content. This small quantity of fiber promotes digestive health and makes it strong. It prevents constipation and boosts gastrointestinal motility. 

  • Potassium, Phosphorus, And Calcium

Calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in cantaloupe do a lot of body functions in guinea pigs. Calcium intake helps to make teeth and bones stronger. It prevents tissues from breakage and decay. Essential potassium in cantaloupe performs function against the stone formation and saves guinea pigs from dehydration. Cantaloupe has phosphorus which is beneficial for the absorption of multiple nutrients in the body. Phosphorus is more than calcium in cantaloupe, so this ratio can lead to the formation of stones if fed in larger quantities. 

  • Folates In Cantaloupe

If guinea pigs get injured, folates in cantaloupe help to recover wounds quickly. Also, it forms new blood cells and converts carbohydrates into energy.

Does Cantaloupe Cause Diarrhea?

Yes, cantaloupe can cause diarrhea if given in excessive quantities. Guinea pig’s digestive systems are sensitive. A frequent or drastic change in their food can cause diarrhea. Keeping an eye on any discomfort felt by guinea pigs after having cantaloupe is crucial. If the symptoms persist, stop feeding them cantaloupe and consult with the vet ASAP. 

In What Proportion Do Guinea Pigs Can Have Cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe is a sweetened fruit and should be counted as a feast for guinea pigs. If you have baby guinea pigs, do not feed them cantaloupe melon at all. Adult guinea pigs can have a few squares of cantaloupe. Since you are introducing them to this new fruit, provide it in small amounts. This will help their stomach to adjust to the new food items. It will prevent the stomach from getting upset and causing diarrhea. Limited proportions are necessary for a happy guinea pig’s tummy.  

A big guinea pig can have ¼ or ½ cup of this fruit mixed with some vegetables. Make an effort to feed them garden fresh vegetables and fruits every time. If they do not consume a bowl of veggies and fruits mixed, just wait for 12 to 24 hours. After that, you should dispose of it for the sake of their health. 

Cantaloupe As An Anti-Inflammatory And Antioxidant Agent

Cantaloupe also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in it. Antioxidants like beta-carotene presence help guinea pigs to fight against fatal diseases like heart attacks and cancer. Cantaloupe provides a decent amount of antioxidants to the guinea pigs too. These antioxidant compounds play a pivotal role in eliminating inflammation in the body. It helps to battle mild to severe inflammation. Last but not least, it assists the body to deal with oxidative stress by protecting. 

Can Guinea Pigs Have Cantaloupe Seeds? 

Usually, the cantaloupe seeds seem okay, but they can put your guinea pigs into trouble. It is better to avoid feeding cantaloupe fruit seeds to guinea pigs. The seeds are tiny but slippery at the same time. With a sensitive digestive system and tiny digestive tracts with narrow throats, guinea pigs can choke them. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the cantaloupe seeds before giving them to your pocket pets. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe Rind?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe Rind
Guinea Pigs can not eat cantaloupe rind

No, guinea pigs cannot eat cantaloupe rinds. The cantaloupe outer layer is called cantaloupe rinds, and it is a hard texture. While growing commercially, they are heavily treated with pesticide sprays to save the crop from damage. That is why it contains unfavorable toxins that give rise to trouble. It is better to cut the rind before serving cantaloupe to guinea pigs. 

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Cantaloupe Juice?

No, guinea pigs cannot have cantaloupe juice in any way. Whether it is processed or homemade, it should not be given to your pet. Cantaloupe or any other fruit juice contains excessive sugars that are not healthy at all for animals. Consuming high doses of sugars can lead to obesity and diabetes in guinea pigs. 

Can My Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Cantaloupe?

It is not suitable for guinea pigs to eat frozen cantaloupe. Eating frozen cantaloupe can become a reason for diarrhea. Always try to manage fresh fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs. If fresh cantaloupe is not available, bring the frozen ones to room temperature, and feed them to the guinea pigs. 

How Often Can A Guinea Pig Have Cantaloupe? 

Guinea pigs can eat this delicious, sugary fruit once or twice a week. However, once a week will be an ideal choice. You can exceed two days maximum in a week. Providing more than that will bring only trouble and no benefit to their health. Mix a slice of cantaloupe with a veggie bowl, so they consume a healthy blend of nutrients instead of just focusing on fruit. 

What Else Can A Guinea Pig Eat Instead Of Cantaloupe?

There are some healthy food options to consider while shopping for your guinea pig’s feed. All these below-mentioned food items provide a great value of nutrients.

  • Carrots
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Cabbage
  • Green beans
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet potato
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Spinach
  • Zucchini
  • Bell peppers
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli 


Cantaloupe is a perfect treat for guinea pigs having Vitamin C, Vitamin A, folates, and other nutrients. Due to its high sugar value, it cannot be fed daily. Excessive sugars lead to obesity, and obesity generates health issues. To keep your guinea pigs healthy, moderation in feeding is the key. Cantaloupe fruit minimizes the risk of cancer, inflammation, and heart stroke in guinea pigs. Avoid giving cantaloupe juice or frozen cantaloupe to your pocket pet. 

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