Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes? | Leaves, Skin, Seeds & Juice

You probably have a lot of questions about what to feed to your guinea pig when you have one as a pet. Guinea pigs are some of the most famous pocket pets. They are little tailless rodents. Coming from South America and belonging to the Cavy family. They are more social than any other animal. They are mammalian animals like humans. Unlike humans, they have a very delicate stomach. That’s why you need to be extra careful regarding their diet. They cannot eat everything. There are things like some fruits and vegetables which they can eat but only in moderation. Now the question arises; can they eat grapes? 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes?

Yes, they can eat grapes but only in moderation. 

Just like grapes provide several benefits to humans they are also good for guinea pigs. Grapes are rich in potassium, fiber, and different vitamins. All these nutrients are good for their health. Besides being nutritious, they also taste good to them. They are like some kind of sweetmeat for them. But you cannot give grapes to them daily, you need to keep an eye on its frequency and size as well. Although grapes contain many essential nutrients, they are also loaded with sugar which makes them not suitable for guinea pigs. Sugar is not a good thing for them, just like it is harmful to humans. A moderate quantity is fine but its excess consumption can cause health issues. That’s why vet doctors strongly recommend not to give your pet grapes in a larger quantity. You can treat them with it occasionally. 

You should always offer seedless grapes to them. Seeds can increase the risk of choking for them. It is best to wash all the grapes before giving them to your pet. It will remove all the toxins and pesticides.

Nutritional Facts Of Grapes

Let’s take a sample size of 100 grams of grapes and check out what nutrients it has.

  • Energy-67 Kcal
  • Fats -0.35g 
  • Carbs -17.15g
  • Protein -0.63g
  • Dietary fibre -0.9g
  • Sugar -16.25g
  • Calcium -14mg
  • Iron -0.29g
  • Magnesium -5mg
  • Sodium -2mg
  • Potassium -191mg 
  • Vitamin C -4mg
  • Vitamin B6 -0.11mg
  • Vitamin E -0.19 mg

Grapes contain all those nutrients which should be added to the diet of Guinea. But it also contains some harmful nutrients which are not a good choice for them. 

Keeping all the nutritional facts in consideration it is best to give them this fruit in a controlled way. Otherwise, excess of it can cause serious consequences in the face of diarrhoea etc.

However, it is best if you consult your vet doctor before adding grapes to the diet of your pet.

Are Grapes Good For Guinea Pigs?

Are Grapes Good For Guinea Pigs
Yes grapes are good for Guinea Pigs

Grapes have doubtlessly all those elements which are good for guinea pigs. They make a good snack for them but only when given in moderation. 

Following are some of the health benefits of grapes for guinea pigs:

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C is required by guinea pigs for several functions and grapes are a good source of it. They cannot synthesize their Vitamin C and need an external source for this. That’s why grapes should be added to their diet. This also assists them in avoiding a fatal disease called scurvy. 

Scurvy happens due to the deficiency of vitamin C.

  • Energy Source

Grapes prove to be a very good energy source for guinea pigs. They contain Vitamin B6 and it provides them the energy they need to carry out different functions.

  • Heart Health

Guinea pigs can suffer from different heart diseases which can cost their lives. That’s why fruits like grapes are good for them because they contain potassium; Potassium maintains the blood pressure level. 

  • Cholesterol Level

High cholesterol levels do no good for guinea pigs and make them sick. There are nutrients in grapes that help regulate the cholesterol level in them.

  • Good Eye Health

Grapes are also necessary for the good eyesight of guinea pigs. They are in no way less than carrots for this purpose. 

  • Bone Health

As described above, grapes contain calcium and they are certainly good for proper healthy bones.

  • Prevents Inflammation

Inflammation is common among guinea pigs. Grapes contain resveratrol that is used for anti-inflammation purposes. 

Can You Feed Grapes To Guinea Pigs?

Yes, you can feed grapes to guinea pigs. As long as you are careful about their amount, you can feed them this.

However, there are certain precautions you need to take while feeding them this fruit. You should not feed them this daily. Once or a maximum of twice a week is enough for them to have this snack. 

When you first introduce this fruit to them make sure to check your pet is not showing any abnormal behavior.

Abnormal behavior can include rashes on their body, loose stools, diarrhea, etc. In that case, you need to stop giving them this. Also, to avoid any risks you should immediately take them to the nearest vet doctor.

Also, when feeding grapes to them, you should mix it with some other food like hay, or some other healthy fruit.

You might be thinking that what is precisely the reasonable number of grapes to give to your pet? According to some professionals, more than two pieces of grapes should not be given to them at a time.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Red Grapes?

Red grapes have more sugar content than green grapes. You might be misguided by saying that you cannot feed red grapes to them because of the above reason. However, this is not true. Although red grapes have more sugar than green grapes, they also provide more benefits. They are rich in vitamins. Not only this but studies are saying that red grapes can help guinea pigs avoid different cancers. Red grapes also have a lot more antioxidants than green grapes. Antioxidants are crucial for guinea pigs. They are also stress relievers for them. Red grapes also have a lot of minerals and other important nutrients.  Besides this because they are sweeter than green ones, piggies like eating them more. 

So, it is safe for you to offer your little one red grapes. But you cannot give it to them daily and also keep the serving size small. Because of the sugar content in it, their excess can be harmful. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grape Leaves?

You cannot give grape leaves to guinea pigs. Don’t fool yourself by saying that they are as good as grapes for them. They may contain essential nutrients but their harmful effects are way more than the benefits.  They are very rich in calcium. It means even little consumption can expose your pet to the risk of stones originating in its body. Excess consumption of calcium leads to the development of stones in the bladder. These stones can even prove fatal for your little one. 

Grape leaves are also very tough. Guinea pigs are little animals with tiny teeth. They cannot chew everything. That’s why it is best to avoid giving them such hard things. Because these things increase the risks of choking in them.

Thus, they do more harm than good. You should never give them grape leaves and only stick to grapes.

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Grape Juice?

Just like grape leaves, grape juice is also harmful to guinea pigs. grape juice is much sweeter than grapes. It can also cause acidity in them because they are highly acidic. It does not stop here and can also cause complications in the digestive system of guinea pigs, as it is loaded with many preservatives and additives. Their stomach is much more sensitive than the stomach of any other mammalian animal. That’s why grapes are harmful to them. 

To conclude, you should not make your piggy drink grape juice instead try giving it tap water for drinking purposes. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grape Skin?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grape Skin
Yes Guinea Pigs eat grapes skin

Guinea pigs can eat grape skin. Grape skin is as beneficial for them, as the inside part of grapes. Even some professionals believe the same. It contains more essential nutrients. That’s why it proves to be a better source of energy for them. Grape skin can help them in a better way. It contains more antioxidants than grapes. But you cannot give them the skin of red grapes because it is harder than the skin of green grapes. This can cause choking in them. 

Make sure that you wash the skin of grapes before feeding them to your pet as most likely they would have some toxins. Washing them would take off all such things. 

Remove the stem from the skin because that is not good for your pet.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Grapes?

There is a common practice to freeze fruits to preserve them. Many guinea pigs’ owners think they can also give these frozen fruits to them. However, this is not true. Frozen fruits are extremely cold for these little rodents. These tiny animal stomachs can’t handle them. They can cause severe problems. It is advised to avoid giving frozen fruits, including frozen grapes, to your little pets.

The best thing is to serve your pet fresh and raw grapes because they naturally prefer it being herbivores, and also it has maximum advantages for them.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Grapes?

Guinea pigs naturally like fruits because of their sweet nature and grapes are no exception. Guinea pigs very gladly eat grapes. It is one of their favorite snacks.

Because Guinea pigs like grapes it is also advised that they should not be accessible to them when they roam freely. They don’t have the power to restrain themselves therefore there is a risk of eating them excessively. Masters should always give them fruits including grapes in their supervision.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes?

No, baby guinea pigs should avoid feeding grapes. Although guinea pigs like to eat grapes. They also have several advantages. But don’t give grapes to a guinea pig when it is just a baby.

Baby guinea pigs only need their mother’s milk, grass, and water for the early diet. Avoid serving them fruits and wait for them to grow a little bit so you could introduce them to this delicious snack.

Health-Related Risks

There are certain risks associated with feeding grapes to guinea pigs. Although these risks are something that can easily be eradicated. Still, let’s have a look at them.

  • Diarrhea

Grapes contain a lot of sugar and if guinea pigs have excessive consumption of sugar they may become ill with diarrhea. However, this problem probably doesn’t arise when you give grapes in moderate quantities. 

  • Vomiting

Another side effect that may occur from overeating grapes is Vomiting. You should immediately take it to a vet doctor in this case. You can also let it drink some extra water as a first-aid measure. 

  • Overweight

Your pig might become overweight because of eating grapes but this only happens when it excessively eats it.

  • Food Poisoning

Although this is an extremely rare case, this can happen. If the grapes you are serving to your pet are not clean enough then your pet may suffer from food poisoning. 

  • Diabetes

This is another possibility whose chances are extremely low. It can happen due to the high sugar content present in grapes. If your pet is already diabetic keep it away from grapes. 


Guinea pigs can eat grapes. Not only are they safe for them but they are also very beneficial. Their excess quantity is bad, so try giving in moderation. Essential nutrients like vitamin C are present in grapes. 

They have many health benefits for guinea pigs like they prevent inflammation. These little rodents can eat red grapes but cannot eat grape leaves. Grape skin is an essential edible for them. Frozen grapes are not a good choice for piggies. Grape juice is also not healthy for them. 

Guinea pigs naturally like grapes because of their sweet nature. But baby guinea pigs cannot eat grapes. There are also some risks associated with your pet eating grapes but they can be avoided easily.

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