Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon? | How Much & How Often?

Yes, guinea pigs can have watermelon in a controlled quantity. Watermelons are rich in essential nutrients like vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital for piggies and prevents diseases like scurvy. It is also crucial for safeguarding the tissues of the body. 

Watermelon rind is safe for these fluffy animals too. Calcium and water are essential nutrients that are more present in watermelon. Guinea pigs like to eat watermelon due to its taste.

The excess consumption of this fruit causes side effects as it has high sugar in it. That’s why most experts advise giving it to your piggy in a limited quantity.  

Do Guinea Pigs Like Watermelons?

Mainly guinea pigs like to consume watermelons. The credit goes to the sweet taste of the fruit. However, your pet might also reject it. Nothing is frightening in this, and it is simply because of its preferences. 

You can also try to give watermelon rind to your little rodent. Observations show that many piggies prefer watermelon rind as watermelon itself. 

You should notice the response of your little one when you first introduce it to this fruit. If it is showing a welcoming behavior to watermelon, feel free to offer it next time too. Otherwise, switch to another fruit. 

Always give watermelon to your cavy in a confined amount and under your supervision because it may not be able to resist eating if it likes it. 

How To Serve Watermelon To Your Guinea Pig?

You should take off the seeds of watermelon before feeding it to guinea pigs, as Seeds can induce a choking hazard in them. 

It is favored to include watermelon rind in your pet’s diet. It is because pigs like to have it, and it is beneficial for them as well. 

Only give a small layer of the juicy red flesh of this fruit to guinea pigs as it is high in sugar content. 

Don’t give watermelon to your cavy in large quantities; it can be harmful to it. Give only two small pieces at one time. You can not treat your pet with this sweet fruit more than two times per week. 

Nutritional Facts Of Watermelon

In a 50 g watermelon, the below-mentioned nutrients are found :

  • Vitamin C  4.05 mg 
  • Calcium 3.5 mg
  • Phosphorus 5.5 mg
  • Potassium 56 mg
  • Fiber 0.2 g 
  • Sugar 3.1 g
  • Protein 0.305 g
  • Carbs 3.775 g
  • Calories 15Kcal
  • Fat 0.075 g
  • Water 45.725 g

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Rind?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Rind
Yes guinea pigs can eat watermelon rind

Yes, guinea pigs relish having watermelon rind. It is nutritious for them, but as an owner of this tiny animal, you cannot give watermelon rind in a surplus quantity. You are advised to provide it only one or two times per week. Watermelon rind has a significant amount of fiber. Fiber is good for the health of guinea pigs, but only when you provide it in moderation. The overabundance of it can cause different problems like diarrhea for piggies. 

You should wash the watermelon rinds before serving them to your pet. Don’t feed the outer green portion of rind to guinea pigs. It is hard, and they cannot easily digest it. Always stick to the inner piece of the watermelon rind to feed your pet. This part is not difficult for them to digest, and it is more nutritious than the outer part. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Seeds?

By no means, guinea pigs cannot have watermelon seeds. These tiny rodents are allowed to have watermelon, but they should not eat its seeds ever. Seeds of any fruit or vegetable are dangerous for guinea pigs because they cannot digest them and make the pigs choke. 

Choking can be so hazardous that it can even cause the death of your pet. That’s why remove the seeds before treating your pet with watermelon or any other seeded fruit or vegetable. 

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Watermelon Juice?

No, guinea pigs cannot consume watermelon juice at all. Only serve the fruit itself or the rind of the fruit to your pet. Don’t give it watermelon juice to drink. The liquid has much more sugar than the fruit, and this makes it unhealthy for your piggy. Excess ingestion of sugar causes diabetes, obesity, and many other problems.

Moreover, when you make the juice of the fruit, many essential nutrients are lost in the process. That’s why watermelon juice is prohibited for guinea pigs. The best is to give them fresh water for drinking purposes. 

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon?

Guinea pigs must be at least three weeks old to have watermelon. Cavies smaller than three weeks should only devour their mother’s milk. As they grow older, you can introduce them to different fruits and vegetables slowly. 

However, as watermelon is not free of sugar, it is better to wait for a few months after the guinea pig’s birth to feed it watermelon. It is to avoid any severe circumstances. During this time, it is advised to offer alfalfa hay and pellets to the baby pet. 

Can American Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon?

Can American Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon
Yes American guinea pigs can eat watermelon rind

Yes, American guinea pigs can munch watermelon in a controlled manner. Just like it is safe for the other breeds of guinea pigs to have watermelon, it is safe for American ones too.  Watermelon has equal advantages for American pigs. It provides them with vitamin C, fiber, calcium, and much more.

What About Yellow Watermelons?

Guinea pigs are allowed to eat yellow watermelons. But yellow watermelon is much higher in sugar content than the other ones, and for that reason, it is better not to give it to piggies. If you can give red watermelon instead of yellow, you should go for it. 

Benefits Of Eating Watermelons For Guinea Pigs

If watermelons are provided to guinea pigs inconsiderately, they have several health benefits for them. Some of them are listed below:

  • Source Of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is crucial for the healthy life of guinea pigs. It plays many health-related roles for them. If piggies don’t get enough vitamin C in their diet, they can develop a fatal disease called ‘scurvy’. Besides this, it is also essential if a pig has suffered from any injury as it helps to heal wounds.

  • Source Of Fiber

Watermelons provide fiber to guinea pigs. Fiber is necessary for them to avoid any gastrointestinal problems. It maintains the digestive health of guinea pigs too. 

  • Source Of Calcium

Calcium is essential for young guinea pigs as it strengthens their bones and is also beneficial for pregnant guinea pigs. Adult piggies also need it, but they don’t require it in excess quantities. 

  • Source Of Potassium

Potassium is an element of watermelons. It helps guinea pigs to have a healthy heart by regulating their blood pressure. 

You should let your guinea pig have a moderate amount of watermelon as it has several benefits. 

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Risks Of Eating Watermelon For Guinea Pigs

If your guinea pig has overeaten watermelons, then it could face the following problems:

  • Urinary Problems

Urinary problems can arise in guinea pigs from the overeating of watermelons. Watermelons contain calcium, and excess calcium consumption can cause urinary issues like kidney stones for adult guinea pigs.

  • Diabetes

Due to the sugar content of watermelons, there is a risk of diabetes associated with their excessive eating. An appropriate amount of sugar seems acceptable for piggies, but it can cause weight gain and diabetes if taken too much. 

  • Digestive Problems

There are many minerals like potassium found in watermelons. These minerals are helpful for guinea pigs. But when piggies consume them in abundance, they can cause many digestive problems for them. 

Alternatives Of Watermelon For Guinea Pigs

You might not be able to give watermelon to guinea pigs due to any reason. Or your pet might reject eating watermelon. In situations like these, you need to find an alternative to watermelon. 

Below is a list of some other options:

  • Raspberries
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Apricots
  • Cherries 


Watermelons are beneficial for guinea pigs if provided in a limited quantity. Its rind is also okay for them. However, its seeds are a big NO for cavies. Yellow watermelon is allowed but not preferable. Guinea pigs should be at least three weeks old to have watermelon, and American guinea pigs can also have this fruit. Watermelon is nutritious as it contains vitamin C, fiber, calcium, and many other vital nutrients.