Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate? | Complete Awareness & Guide

Animals hibernate by slowing down their heartbeats to preserve energy and survive the winter without much nourishment. They hibernate to save energy since their body temperature decreases and their heartbeat decreases. Consequently, the metabolic rate falls. 

Guinea pigs don’t hibernate. Be aware that cold weather can create major health problems for your guinea pigs, so be careful to keep their house warm and pleasant at all times. Because of the moderate climate over most of South America, guinea pigs were first domesticated there in the late 1800s. Temperatures below 15°C will require them to be relocated. When the temperature drops, extra vigilance is required. 

Despite everything, it’s still only mid-month might be unbearably cold. Early in the fall, guinea pigs may even succumb to hypothermia. To prevent any health risks, you should always keep your pet’s environment warm. Lethargy is a sure sign that their health condition is getting worse.

What Temperature Do Guinea Pigs Like?

Animals with warm-blooded constitutions are those that have evolved in warmer climates. In this range of temperatures, guinea pigs from warm South American Andean nations such as Argentina and Chile will flourish. 

A temperature of 18 to 24°C is ideal for them. It doesn’t matter how well they can endure little temperature dips, they can’t handle freezing temperatures. Our goal is to determine the difference between his normal body temperature and the ambient air temperature at which body is the most comfortable for him. 

It enables us to properly take care of him and keep him happy as a result. Generally speaking, your pig will be uncomfortable in temperatures below 15°C. When it gets below 15°C, he will lose a lot of body heat to the air around him if no protection measures are taken.                                                                                                                                                                       

Do Wild Guinea Pigs Hibernate?

Do Wild Guinea Pigs Hibernate
Wild Guinea Pigs don’t comprehend how cool it is

Wild guinea pigs can be found in the Andes, near the equator. However, the highest peak of this mountain range is 22,838 feet above sea level. Cavies may not be able to survive at the top of these mountains, but the verdant plains where they thrive will. In the Andes, cavies can be found in the highlands. To many indigenous Andean cultures, guinea pig meat is a staple dietary source. Andean guinea pigs live in the wild. They don’t comprehend how cool it is. 

If wild guinea pigs can survive in these conditions, they may be able to hibernate. Wild guinea pigs spend their time excavating holes and tunnels to use as a cover.

How Long Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate?

Guinea pigs are one of a kind in that they do not hibernate. All of these pigs are bred in South America, which has a warm climate throughout the year. So they don’t need to hibernate. In colder climates, you’ll need to keep the Guinea Pigs warm to avoid hibernation in them. 

Historically, when exposed to freezing conditions, guinea pigs can die from hypothermia. If you see your pet becoming lethargic during the chilly winter months, you should consult a veterinarian. If the weather turns chilly, they’ll still need additional care. 

Hypothermia in Guinea Pigs

This medical emergency occurs when your guinea pig’s body loses heat faster than it can produce it,  and their body temperature decreases faster than it can be raised. It is said to be hypothermic. Getting cold is extremely bad for them. Guinea pigs will suffer from hypothermia in the beginning. (35°C) is the lowest temperature that they can reach. 

Even if their bodies continue to cool, their lives could be in danger. As guinea pigs have a less developed immune system, they are more vulnerable to hypothermia. Also, hypothermia can harm unwell persons. If they have this type of sickness, pay close attention to their health during the cold weather months. 

If hypothermia sets in, your therapeutic options will be severely limited as a result. Guinea pigs can suffer minor hypothermia even when their body temperature falls below 95°F (35°C).

Symptoms Of Hypothermia

Guinea pigs may not show signs of hypothermia early. As an alternative, it can be hard to notice. Anxiety and apathy may be the most visible symptoms. Inactivity, inability to eat and a preference for resting are all indicators of hypothermia. Your guinea pig’s hair standing on end is an indication of hypothermia as the body tries to warm itself. The presence of a few symptoms makes hypothermia a difficult diagnosis in guinea pigs.

This condition can also occur in guinea pigs that are normally active but have been isolated for an extended length of time. An extended stay in one area allows them to conserve energy and keep themselves warm. In this way of breathing, their heart rate becomes low. 

Guinea pigs suffering from hypothermia display the following symptoms. If you detect any other symptoms, you should consult a doctor about their condition ASAP!

How To Keep Guinea Pigs Warm?

How To Keep Guinea Pigs Warm
Guinea pig keep in a confined space during the winter months

Guinea pigs do not thrive in cold areas because of hypothermia. The Guinea pigs will require extra care over the cold months. Winter comfort is essential if you want to keep your guinea pigs happy throughout the season and avoid possible illnesses caused by the cold (such as hypothermia). This is especially crucial when cavies are kept outside. At all times, the ideal temperature for their habitat should be between 18 and 24°C.

Keep your guinea pig in a confined space during the winter months. You should only leave your pet outside if you have no other choice. There’s also the option of putting him in your garage or shed if available. To stay warm, they require a high-fat diet. Avocados and kale might be part of their diet. It’s possible to feed them broccoli and carrots. Their fat reserves must be built up for them to stay warm.

How to Keep Your Guinea Pig Warm In An Outdoor Hutch?

Winterizing your guinea pig’s outdoor hutch is essential. If you want your pet to live in peace, you’ll need a guinea pig cage that’s safe and secure. They may be kept outdoors, but you will still need to prepare the hutch for the harsh winter. Keep it warm inside while protecting it from rain and snow.

  • Insulate the Hutch

Your guinea pig hutch should have appropriate insulation and protection. Wrap the hutch in a thick blanket, but place a tarpaulin over the blanket to keep it from being too cold inside. Cover the hutch at night, but don’t forget to leave a ventilation hole. It’s okay to remove half of your blanket as long as it’s not too cold outside. This will keep it warm and dry. Because the hutch will be shielded from the weather(snow and rain), the interior will remain warm. There’s also an affordable hutch cover that’s nothing more than a simple wrap that’s available for purchase. For further protection, this will easily attach to the hutch.

  • Use Extra Bedding

Somehow, despite the obvious, many pet owners tend to forget the importance of bedding when it comes to keeping their pets warm and dry throughout the winter months. If you want your Guinea Pig to stay warm, stuff the cage with lots of paper and straw. Your Guinea Pig will also require additional calories to stay warm, so keep that in mind. They require more bedding to keep warm. Whenever it becomes cold, they’ll go into the hay to stay warm. Some old clothes and/or blankets can be used as insulation. Another option is a shoebox. If you want them to crawl in and out of the box, widen the holes. There’s no need to worry about heat escaping because the box is so small.

  • Use a Heating Pad

Guinea Pig Hutches can be equipped with heated pads to keep the animals warm and comfortable. As a result, it is considerably more comfortable for your pet to lay on because of the fleece covering. Microwave it for some seconds before using it to keep it warm for a few hours, as it is made of strong plastic that cannot be bitten. You can also warm the grains up in the microwave for only a few seconds to make your pet feel more comfortable.


Guinea pigs don’t hibernate in the colder months of the year. Winter is not the time for guinea pigs to hibernate as it is during the warmer months. There is no hibernation for these species because they are endemic to the tropics. Guinea pigs prefer a temperature range of 18-24°C. 

High temperatures can cause heatstroke in Guinea pigs.

In contrast, guinea pigs will not survive in temperatures above 27°C (80°F). Winter temperatures should be kept at 21°C. If it becomes too cold, they could succumb to hypothermia. A warm shelter and bedding are essential for guinea pig care.