Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries? | Nutritional Facts Of Cherries

Yes, cherries can be consumed by guinea pigs. Cherries are a rich source of Vitamin C along with other nutrients, which makes them very healthy and beneficial for the body of guinea pigs. Apart from this, cherries maintain the cholesterol level inside the body of the guinea pigs. It is often said that if a guinea pig is in danger of falling to any cardiovascular disease, try feeding them with cherries. This will help them in remaining safe from these diseases.

Additionally, a balanced diet of cherries retains a health check on the guinea pig’s heart. A healthy diet includes giving cherries to guinea pigs twice to child guinea pigs and thrice to an adult guinea pig. Guinea pigs are naturally herbivores. They stay away from any diet other than a plant diet. 

Nutritional Facts Of Cherries

Below is the list of some of the several nutrients, vitamins, and minerals present in cherries. Moreover, the approximate quantity of these nutrients, vitamins, and cherries is also listed in front of them. 

A 100g of cherry fruit contains:

Nutrients Approximate quantity
Carbohydrates 63 g
Sugar 12.8 g
Dietary fiber 2.1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein  1.1 g

Vitamins Approximate quantity
B1 2 %
B2 2 %
B3 1 %
B5 2 %
B6 2 %
B9 1 %
C 12 %
K 3 %

Minerals Approximate quantity
Ca 13 mg
Fe 0.4 mg
Mg 11 mg
Mn 0.1 mg
P 21 mg
K 222 mg
Zn 0.1 mg

Can eating too many cherries be harmful?

Can eating too many cherries be harmful
Yes too many cherries are harmful to guinea pigs

Yes, excess of anything in the body is harmful. Guinea pigs consuming cherries in great amounts can be harmful to their body. Cherries taste sweet. They are rich in sugars. But, it keeps the body intact only until it is consumed in an optimum quantity. But when consumed in high quantities, cherries can harm the body of the guinea pigs. High consumption of cherries can lead to different sugar-related diseases like diabetes by harming the pancreas. 

Ultimately obesity in guinea pigs can also be the outcome of this high intake of cherries. As discussed earlier, cherries are packed with a high quantity of fibers, so excess eating of cherries can lead to an abundance of fiber in their bodies. Constipation in guinea pigs can be a by-product of this. 

Another issue comes from a sore mouth. Cherries contain different acids. When they are consumed in high quantities, the quantity of acids also arises in the mouth of guinea pigs leading to burning their mouths. 

Cherry Fiber Content

Cherries are jam-packed with different nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and especially fibers. They are a rich source of dietary fibers. These are super beneficial for the body and greatly reduce the risk of different chronic diseases. Guinea pigs consuming cherries reduces the risk of different diseases in guinea pigs, especially diabetes. 

Although cherries possess a sweet taste, their different nutrients and vitamins maintain and regulate the blood sugar level. Moreover, the high fiber content in cherries gives the feeling of fullness in the body. This also keeps away the risk of obesity in the guinea pigs. Doctors have affiliated body fat with almost seven different types of cancer.

Cherries help to maintain body fat in check. Thus, the body of a guinea pig is also safe from seven different types of cancer. Its high dietary fiber content invigorates the assimilation interaction and keeps up with the equilibrium of the guinea pigs’ sound microorganisms, advancing the power of immunity in their body.

How Long Does It Take To Digest A Maraschino Cherry?

Maraschino cherries take a longer time to digest. It is because maraschino cherries aren’t natural cherries, calling them artificial or man-made won’t be wrong. These types of cherries are first found in red color which makes them look pretty red bright. Guinea pig consuming maraschino cherries roughly takes approximately 14 – 52 hours to digest completely. Digestion time depends on two parameters, how much amount will be consumed by the guinea pig and will it consume by a baby guinea pig or an adult guinea pig.

If eating less, it will be digested in early hours from 14 – 52 hours and if eaten more, it will take more time. Baby guinea pigs mostly eat less in amount as compared to adult guinea pigs. Therefore, their digestion time is quite less than adult guinea pigs. Maraschino cherries are processed cherries so they not only destroy proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants. But also processed cherries have high-calorie content related to the calorie content in unprocessed cherries. Hence, it takes a longer time to digest completely. 

Possible Risks Of Feeding Cherries To Guinea Pigs

Cherries are healthy but this doesn’t ever mean that they can be edible for everyone without any kind of limitation. They can help reduce hunger and can be use by guinea pigs but in a good quantity. Especially when petting guinea pigs, extra care is required and a healthy balanced diet is necessary. 

Stems and pits of cherries should be removed while feeding because these are harmful to them. These contain pockets of cyanide. Cyanide is a very poisonous chemical. Consuming cherries also lead to constipation. Seeds of cherries should also be avoided while feeding guinea pigs because of the choking hazard and other harms. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tree Leaves?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tree Leaves
Yes Guinea Pigs Eat Tree Leaves

Yes, guinea pigs can eat tree leaves. But this is not right for all tree leaves. Leaves from certain trees and branches are only suitable for guinea pigs to eat. Research has been done to check which leaves of the tree are suitable for guinea pigs, and which are not. By throwing an unidentified leaf towards guinea pigs, results have been collected about this topic. Trees with apple leaves, mango leaves, raspberries leaves, banana leaves, citrus leaves, grape leaves, etc. are very good for their health. 

Guinea pigs eating these leaves increase the immunity level in their bodies. If electrolyte imbalances in the body, these tree leaves regulate them. These tree leaves, especially apple tree leaves, carry rich iron, which keeps the guinea pig’s bodies healthy. Additionally, leaves carry antioxidants, potassium, various vitamins, and proteins. Guinea pigs eating leaves have fewer urinary problems and stomach issues.


Cherries can go both ways, good for your health or even bad for your health. It depends on several other things, including the quantity in which it is consumed. Overall cherries are body-friendly for guinea pigs, and if devoured in a moderate amount, it does not affect guinea pigs’ bodies at all. 

Everything comes up with both positive and negative impacts,  but important is how that thing is treated and by whom it is treated. Similar goes with cherries while giving them to guinea pigs. Cherries also come in different types including black cherries, bing cherries, ground cherries, red cherries, etc. All these aren’t fatal to the bodies of guinea pigs.

Keep one thing in mind that guinea pigs dislike if twigs of cherries aren’t separated. It is better to remove leaves and serve the leaves separately to them.

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