Can Rabbits See Color? | Are Rabbits Color Blind?

Yes, bunnies do see colors. They are not color blind. Bunnies have photoreceptors that contain different wavelengths for different colors. Due to their eyes being placed at the top corners of their head, bunnies have a great far-sightedness. However, a blind spot is also present right at the front of their nose, which sometimes does not help them to catch a sight of predators coming straight away.

Rabbits are small creatures having a complete 360-degree view of the world. But does your bunny have the same perception of the colors and world around as we humans have? Visually, no, humans and rabbits see differently. However, rabbits have a clear vision.

In this article, we are going to view the world from the eyes of the rabbit. So let’s face it!

What Colors Can Rabbits See?

Rabbits have dichromatic (two-color) vision. The retina of a domestic rabbit has two light-sensitive cells called rods and cones.

Rods help them to perceive and adjust their vision in the dark, whereas cones have color pigments that attract their vision to green and blues.

Rabbits are not color blind but they have a limited perception of blue and green. However, they cannot distinguish the color red as most of their retina is occupied by green and blue-sensitive cone cells.

Are Rabbits Color Blind?

Are Rabbits Color Blind
Rabbits are not color blind

No, rabbits are not color blind but from a human standard of perception, they slightly have a low identification of the colors around them.

A human being has three sets of light-sensitive cells also called photoreceptors. These photoreceptors are of two different types.

Rods are the photoreceptors that are non-pigmented and adjust your vision in the darkness whereas cones are color pigmented and give a perception of various color wavelengths.

Rabbits have only two of these sets located in their retina. The rods have a peak density of about 300,000 per sq. millimeter, and the cones have a lower peak density than rods, of about 18,000 per sq. millimeter.

What Colors Does Rabbit Like?

Various colors affect the rabbits in different circumstances, said Selke Eichler, Ph.D. animal therapist in Germany. All the seven basic colors in our spectrum have different energy levels and wavelengths.

Rabbits and other animals are attracted to the colors for some reason. But amongst all, Red and Blue colors are mostly liked by bunnies for different purposes.

Red stimulates vibrational energy. Hence, rabbits that don’t have safe access to the outdoors attract red carpets and cushions to get that energy. On the other hand, blue is more soothing and calm for rabbits.

Rabbits attract to blue when they feel sick, depressed, or during their death process.

How Do Rabbits See Humans?

How Do Rabbits See Humans
Depends on rabbit how he see to you

How your rabbit sees you depends on how far or near you are standing to your rabbit. Rabbits have both farsightedness and near-sightedness visions.

But other than that rabbits have a greater number of sets of rods than the cones in their retina, which means that their vision is better working in the dim light.

If you are standing in their field of vision they can see you with a low-quality granular vision in the dark. But, not only the eyesight they also use their power of smell and whiskers to navigate any direction.

Can Rabbits See In the Dark?

Pure darkness can make your rabbit feel blind as it does to humans. In complete darkness, your rabbit would not be able to see even his paw. 

This can make him afraid of darkness and your rabbit can feel anxiety in this state.

Rabbits are crepuscular mammals. They have a better vision at night than humans and other mammals. Being crepuscular means that they are more active and alive at the time of dusk and dawn.

The suitable conditions for a perfect habitat for rabbits could be in the dim light when they can easily breed outside, from the grass and weeds. 

Moreover, they can easily look out for their predators at that time.

Do Rabbits Have Good Eyesight?

Rabbits have a wide field of vision around a 360-degree angle like an owl. In comparison to other mammals including humans, rabbits have a far better vision for long distances.

This means that the rabbits are good at farsightedness. The reason why they can see better at far objects than near, is their eyes are located at the side of their skull (head) and not at the middle.

This helps them to see right and left beyond and above. Rabbits can easily catch the sight of their predators, or prey if they are in their field of vision.

The location of their eyes helps them to look out for their predators from above and beyond too. However, there is also a blind spot for rabbits which is right at the front of their eyes. Rabbits cannot see straight away from their nose. 

If any predator or you come right to their face they won’t see you clear. Your image might be blurred to the rabbit.

So, if you want your rabbit to catch sight of you then come from her side or above.


It is very interesting to know that rabbits are the only mammals that have an enormous view of the world from about a 360-degree angle. 

Rabbits have mostly large colored eyes varying from blue, brown, blue-grey, marbled, or red located at the top corners of their head.

This helps them to view the beauty all around them and to be aware of their predators. Rabbits are a major source of food for many wolves, lions, and eagles. Their 360-degree view helps them to look out for their predators from far distances.

One interesting fact is you can never find a rabbit with green-colored eyes. Also, their eyes are sensitive to red color which means they cannot differentiate between reds and greens.

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