Types Of Owls

People are often confused about Owls And Birds. Well, owls are the birds that belong to order Strigiformes. They are also known as birds of prey or raptors. Owls used their curved bills and the sharp talons for hunting. However, owls and eagles are not similar at all. Different types of owls information is here.

The Strigiformes further divided into two families, including Tytonidae and Strigidae. The one with heart-shaped faces belongs to Tytonidae, while others round-faced are considered in the Strigidae group. They’ve huge heads and bodies covered with soft feathers.

Furthermore, their tails are short, stocky bodies and reversible toes. One can find owls at any place in the world except Icy Antarctica. There are 250 Breeds Of Owls around the globe, and most of them are nocturnal birds.

List Of Owls


We’ll discuss all the Information About Owls in detail. Here are the Types Of Owls in the world:

  • Horned Owls.
  • True Owl.
  • Barn Owls.
  • Northern White-faced Owl.
  • Southern White Faced Owl.
  • Oriental Bay Owl.
  • Spectacled Owl.
  • Eastern Screech Owl.
  • Boreal Owl.
  • Burrowing Owl.
  • Elf Owl.
  • Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl.
  • Snowy Owl.
  • Eurasian Eagle Owl.
  • Tawny Owl.
  • Great Gray Owl.
  • Northern Pygmy-Owl.
  • Northern Saw-Whet Owl.
  • Striped Owl.
  • Tawny Fish Owl.
  • Spotted Wool Owl.
  • Collared Scops Owl.
  • Western Screech Owl.
  • Short-Eared Owl.
  • Verreaux’s Eagle Owl.
  • Australian Masked Owl.
  • Spotted Owl.
  • Rare Owl.
  • Brown Owl.
  • White Owl.
  • Red Owl.

Horned Owl

Horned Owl
Horned Owl has a prominent tufts ear

There are Different Types Of Owls around the globe, and this one is the largest of them. These owls are also known as Tiger owl and the hoot owl. It has a prominent tufts ear like with the broad wings and round head. The bill is short combined with the round head that makes a blunt-headed appearance.

  • Color

The horned owl has a mixed gray-brown color with the reddish-brown face and white patch present on the throat. However, the tone varies from sooty to pale regionally.

  • Behavior

These owls are nocturnal, and one can see them in the evening at any fence or branches of trees. Furthermore, they’ve deep hooting calls and silently attack their prey.

  • Habitat

Most of the people are curious about the owl living place or Where Do They Live? They live in the Arctic to South America and mostly live in the area with a temperate climate. However, you can find them in the woods and farmlands.

  • Diet

Like other owls, the horned owls have an incredible digestive system. They sometimes eat their whole prey and regurgitate the unwanted portion of their meal later. These owls are the night hunters and attack rabbits, raccoons, domestic birds, squirrels, geese, ducks, fish, and giant insects.

  • Age

Their average lifespan is 20-30 years, but some can live up to 50 years.

True Owls

True Owls
True Owls have a large head

These owls belong from the family of Strigidae that has 189 living species in 25 genera. One can find this owl everywhere except Antarctica. They have a large head with round faces and short tails.

One of the unique facts about the true owls is that they move their full head to look at anything instead of eyes. In List Of Owls, an Elf owl is the only Small Owls Species, among others.

  • Behavior

Owls are nocturnal and come out of their nests at night. They have a tame appearance, and when people reach closely, the true owl takes flight. However, most of the time, you can’t even detect them due to the color pattern.

  • Habitat

The true owls are found everywhere except Antarctica. However, the favorite owl habitat differs in species, but most of them love to live in marshlands, forests, deserts, beaches, and fields.

  • Diet

Their diet includes insects, small mammals, reptiles, and some other little birds. They directly ingest their prey instead of chewing or biting.

  • Age

True owls can live for straight 25 years. However, few of them died earlier, but large species live longer than the Small Owls Species.

Barn Owls

Barn Owls
Barn Owls has a round head

This is the famous bird included in the Common Types Of Owls category. These are the Small Owl Breed, or you can say the medium-sized with extended wings, short tails, and loping flight. The owl has a round head but no ear tufts at all. They have incredible night vision and can find prey even by a single sight. There are Different breeds of Barn Owls around the globe, but the Owls In North America are the largest.

  • Color

Barn owls have dark eyes with mixed buff and gray color on the head, upper wings, and back. They have a white body, face, and underwings. Moreover, the appearance of these owls is entirely white at night.

  • Behavior

White Owl Species lives in nests and roots at cavities, barns, dense trees, and other buildings. When they go out for hunting, the barn owls keep their flight low over the open areas to find the small rodents by sound.

  • Habitat

The owl hunts at the open areas include grasslands, agricultural fields, or marsh. However, for living, they prefer quiet cavities.

  • Diet

The diet includes small mammals, birds, insects, and reptiles.

  • Age

The average lifespan of the barn owl is four years. However, few of them live for 15 years but mostly die at a young age.

Northern White-Faced Owl

Northern White-Faced Owl
Northern White-Faced Owl silent flight has during diving on prey

It belongs to the family of Strigidae. This is the White Owl Species found in a band across Africa that occurs in Benin, Central African Republic, Ghana, Guinea, and other areas. The sizes of these owls are 24-25 cm in length and 204 g weight.

However, females are larger than males. Furthermore, this owl has silent flight during diving on prey.

  • Colors

It is the short-tailed owl with large red to orange eyes. It has a white facial disk, and the black border covers the face. The owl bill is pale grey, and underparts are grayish brown.

The scapular appearance is white with the dark edges. It has dusky brown toes with the blackish claws.

  • Behavior

They spend their days in cavities and nights in hunting. These owls are strictly nocturnal and fly in pairs. The owl searches for food while sitting on wires or cables and has sensitive hearing plus sight. So they can easily watch the rodents on the ground at night and have larger prey as compared to others.

  • Habitat

The Northern white-faced owl lives in woodlands, thornveld, cavities, and savannahs.

  • Diet

All Types Of Owls have almost the same diet including rodents, small mammals, and birds.

Southern White Faced Owl

Southern White Faced Owl
Southern White Faced Owl have a habit of hunting from perch

It is the Small Owl Species that belongs to the family of Strigidae. However, it is considered the subspecies of a northern white-faced owl, but now these two are treated as Different Types Of Owls.

This White Owl Species contains gray back with the black and white face. Their voice is quick “Hu” notes that followed by “How” longer notes. It is different from the northern white owl due to range and sound as well.

  • Colors

It comes with the white facial part and black border. The owl has bright orange eyes that have black color around the edges. It has prominent ear tufts and upperwings grey with the lighter underparts. The female white-faced owl is larger than the males.

  • Behavior

These are nocturnal birds, and the same as other Kinds Of Owls go out for hunting at night. They have a habit of hunting from perch, come down with low gliding over the ground.

  • Habitat

They live in scattered groups of trees, dry open woods, forest edges, wooded areas near rivers. However, one can’t find them in areas like treeless desserts and dense rainforest.

  • Diet

The diet of White Owl Species includes giant insects, spiders, scorpions, reptiles, small mammals, and little birds.

  • Age

The average lifespan of this owl is 30 years.

Oriental Bay Owl

Oriental Bay Owl
Oriental Bay Owl can even hunt near water

These owls are generally classified with barn owls (Common Types Of Owls). This owl species is found in Southeast Asia and contains different subspecies as well. This owl has a heart-shaped face with ear like extensions. It has 4-7 loud fluted whistles with the two notes per second.

Their weight is 255-308 g, but the females are larger than males. However, this feature is found in Different Species Of Owls as well.

  • Color

The owl has a whitish facial disk with the chestnut brown color at eyes and blackish feathers. It has a V-shaped forehead covered with the pale brownish-grey color and white eyelids. Furthermore, the bill of owls is creamy yellow, chestnut crown, and tail. Moreover, the underparts are yellowish-brown, creamy throat, yellowish toes, and paler claws.

  • Behavior

The oriental bay owl is a nocturnal bird that means it stays at night. They live in holes and trunks during day time, and one can easily catch them. These owls catch their prey by flying through the dense trees to attack and make it possible with the round wings. However, the owl can even hunt near water.

  • Habitat

Their preferred habitat is the foothills from 200-1000 m altitude. Furthermore, they live in the dense forest, sub-montane forest, and foliage grooves.

  • Diet

They feed on small rodents, birds, lizards, mice, frogs, and large insects.

Spectacled Owl

Spectacled Owl
Spectacled Owl live in dense trees at day time

This owl is medium to large-sized with no ear tufts and round head. Dark faces with the white spectacles made up of brows and streaking between eyes and cheeks make it look different.

It is one of the Different Types Of Owls with white feathers on the dark face around eyes and throat. The owl is 43-46cm in height and has 450-900g weight.

  • Color

It has a brown facial disc and white-bordered around the eyes, cheeks, and white lores. Eyes are bright orange-yellow and yellowish horn. The throat is white, and the chin is black.

Furthermore, the owl has a blackish-brown head and neck. It contains dark brown upperparts, blackish hind neck, and grey-brown remnants. The chest top filled with the dark brown color band, belly, and breast is pale yellow. Toes have a creamy color and wicked grey claws.

  • Behavior

Almost All Types Of Owls are nocturnal and go out for hunting at dusk. They live in dense trees at day time to prevent detection. The male calls are different from females. The male’s voice is like a hammer hitting any hollow tree, but the females have a hawk-like scream call.

Their breeding occurs in the wet season, and nests are built inside the dense trees in cavities. They keep an eye on their prey while sitting at the tree branch and scan the surrounding area of the target. When the victim is located, they dive with the swift pounce.

  • Habitat

They live mostly in the rainforest, large trees, dry forest, and scattered trees in open areas. One can find these Owls In North America, Central America, and Mexico.

  • Diet

These owls eat mice, skunk, insects, spiders, caterpillars, bats, Jay sized birds, frogs, and crabs.

  • Age

The average lifespan of a spectacled owl is 35 years. However, almost most of the Breeds Of Owls have the same lifespan.

Eastern Screech Owl

Eastern Screech Owl
Eastern Screech Owl sleep at dawn and stay active throughout the night time

This is the Small Owl Breed and one of the common Owls Of North America. It is a short bird with a large head, and you can say no neck. The owl wings are rounded, short tail, pointed ear tufts, and gray, reddish color. It is 16-25 cm in length and 121-244 g weight.

  • Colors

The eastern screen owl has a gray or reddish-brown color. However, the overall body color has a complex band design and spots. Due to the complicated bands on the body give it excellent camouflage while sitting at a tree. Furthermore, the owl has yellow eyes.

  • Behavior

These owls sleep at dawn and stay active throughout the night time. It is hard to see this bird that’s why most bird watchers recognize them through sound. The owl lives in the tree cavities like other Different Breeds Of Owls. These owls hunt by watching the prey first then swooping down to catch it from the ground.

  • Habitat

Most people come up with the same question about Owl Where Do They Live? The tree is the answer. This owl makes a home in woods, at trees near water, woodlands, farm grooves, and shade trees.

  • Diet

The owl eats giant insects, small rodents, beetles, moths, crickets, mice, shrews, bats, little birds, lizards, frogs, spiders, earthworms, crayfish, and other tiny creatures.

  • Age

The eastern screen owl can live for 8-14 years almost.

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl
Boreal Owl never sit on the same trees and find a new one every day

This is another Small Owl Breed with a large square head and a short tail. The owl does not have any prominent tufts but comes with the stocky body. It has a noiseless and straight flight with the 50-62cm wingspan.

Their ear opening is asymmetrical that helps them find the exact place from where the sound is coming. The owl has 93-215g weight and 21-28 cm length.

  • Color

The owl is covered with the brown color, and white spots are present at their back. Furthermore, it has brown streaks, yellow eyes, grayish-white face. Due to the white spots at the head, give the crown-like appearance.

  • Behavior

It sits and waits on the branch of trees or at any perches to locate their prey at night. They never sit on the same trees and find a new one every day that is 15-20 cm above from the ground. The call of this owl is “winnowing.” It usually does not migrate monthly or seasonally, but few of them move to the south in autumn. They hunt at night, but in the northernmost areas, they run out at day to catch their prey due to short nights during summers.

  • Habitat

They live in high mountains of the west, subalpine forests, and boreal forests.

  • Diet

Their diet includes voles, small mammals, birds, insects, and other invertebrates.

  • Age

These average owls’ lifespans were 16 years, but due to small structures, they were often preyed upon by Different Species Of Owls. Moreover, the oldest owl recorded is eight years old. Thus the boreal owl can live longer if not eaten by the large owls.

Burrowing Owls

Burrowing Owls
Burrowing Owls spend their time on the ground or at the fence posts

The burrowing owl is a small bird with long legs. It has a short tail, round head, and no ear tufts. The female owl is larger than the male. Their weight is 140-240 g and 19-28 cm long.

  • Color

This owl is brown mixed with the sandy spots at upperparts. The belly is covered with dark brown bars and spotted breasts. It has yellow eyes, a white throat, and eyebrows. The wing patch and underpart is buffy yellow.

  • Behavior

They spend their time on the ground or at the fence posts. Their hunting is different from other Types Of Small Owls. They hunt by staying close to the ground and not nocturnal at all. This is one of the Different Species Of Owls that stays active during the daytime.

  • Habitat

The owl lives in open areas, grasslands, rangelands, deserts, airports, agricultural fields, and other areas where vegetation is low. They use the burrows of prairie dogs and ground squirrels for the nest.

  • Diet

These owls stay active at dawn-dusk, so they hunt any time of the day. The owl was able to catch the insects at day time easily and consumed small mammals at night. Like other Breeds of Owls, this one also eats insects, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and small birds.

  • Age

An average lifespan of a burrowing owl is 6-8 years.

Elf Owl

Elf Owl
Elf Owl has high pitched sound and excellent night vision

It is the Small Owl Breed, or you can say the smallest one in the List Of Owls. It is similar to the size of a sparrow and has a round head with no ear tufts. The height of this owl is 6 inches, and the wingspan is 14 inches. It is the world’s lightest owl with 40 g weight and 12.5-14.5 cm long.

  • Color

The owl is covered with the light brown color and darker brown at the belly areas. It has white color feathers above the eyebrows area and yellow eyes. It contains a green and yellowish bill. Thus the overall appearance of this Small Owl Breed is unique.

  • Behavior

It has high pitched sound and excellent night vision. They find the prey in complete darkness and have a silent fight. It has a muffled wing beat due to the soft feathers and approaches their prey quietly. They can easily hide at the plain sight due to body color. Whenever they find themselves in danger, the owl camouflages the body beside trees.

  • Habitat

The owls are mainly found in the Sonoran Desert region. Furthermore, they live in places near water or in the area where cactus are more in number.

  • Diet

They eat the invertebrates including crickets, scorpions, beetles, moths, and centipedes.

  • Age

Elf owl can live for 3-6 years in the wild. However, this Small Owl Breed lives longer for 6-10 years in captivity.

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
The Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl starts hunting at dusk or near the dawn time

It is another from the list of Small Owls Species. It is 15 cm in size with large feet and talons. They has an elongated crown and round head and does not have ear tufts and comes with a long tail. The owl has 46-107 g weight and 96-106mm wing length.

  • Color

It has black eyespots on back, yellow eyes, white lores, and eyebrows. The owl has a white chest and brown streaks, lemon yellow eye iris, and greenish-yellow bill. It contains white marking on the backside and white underparts.

  • Behavior

The owls can be seen at the bright light of the day, and one can even hear their sound as well. It starts hunting at dusk or near the dawn time and is vocally active during nights. They spend their days in the shelter of trees but stay alert throughout the time. It has rapid wing beats, and due to powerful talons, they can easily catch their prey.

It comes in notice due to bold and aggressive behavior. They find their prey and catch them with the fastest flight within the blink of an eye. The Pygmy Owl Sound is bell-like with long series and equal notes 20-30.

  • Habitat

It lives in the forest with clearings, a place where a group of trees and bushes are present. They are distributed in the areas of northern South America to northeast Argentina, Uruguay, and Buenos Aires. This Type of Owls in Texas is in numerous amounts.

  • Diet

It feeds on insects, small birds, and vertebras the same as other Different Breeds Of Owls.

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl love to sit near the grounds at the wide-open areas

It is the large White Owl Species from the family of true owls. This owl is also known as a white owl and Arctic owl. It has smooth round heads with no ear tufts. The owl has a bulky body, thick featherings that make it look full. The weight of a snowy owl is 2kg and 73cm in length. The Baby Owl size is of tangerine covered with soft white feathers.

  • Color

It has a pure white color with black or brown markings on the body plus wings. The owl has a salt and pepper look and yellow eyes.

  • Behavior

The owls love to sit near the grounds at the wide-open areas. They roost on a fencepost, telephones poles, dunes, and hay bales. Their flight is low and stays close to the ground. These are nocturnal that sleep throughout the day and hunt at night.

  • Habitat

One can find the snowy owls in winters near shorelines of lakes and ocean. Furthermore, they live in the agricultural fields, airport lands, and treeless Arctic Tundra.

  • Diet

The most favorite food of this species is lemmings. But when it comes to survival, they’re not picky at all. The owl can eat mice, rats, moles, raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, and other birds.

  • Age

In captivity, they can live for 25-30 years. However, the lifespan of snowy owls in the wild is ten years.

Eurasian Eagle-Owl

Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Eurasian Eagle-Owl stays active during the whole night

This Breeds Of Owls is different from others because it belongs to the eagle owl species. They are found mainly in Eurasia. The other name used for this owl is European Eagle Owl. It is the largest one in the List Of Owls. The female eagle owl grows more significant than the males. It comes with the distinctive ear tufts. The owl weight is 1550-4200 g with the 58-71 cm length.

  • Color

It has a tawny buff face marked with black, brown color at the edges that make a frame of the face. The upper part is dark blackish colored with the barred tail and wings. Furthermore, the hued buff covered the underparts and dark streak. It has a blackish bill and orange-red eyes. Claws contain a blackish-brown color.

  • Behavior

The owl stays active during the whole night and roosts in the daytime. They stay in pairs or single in trees or on rocks at dawn. The owl has quiet flight and soft wingbeats and a deep voice. Eagle owls come with different unique hunting skills. They can hunt in forests but love to catch the prey from open spaces. They can catch the prey on the ground or take it with the full flight.

  • Habitats

These Breeds Of Owls have different habitats. They can live in forests and warm desserts as well. The owl prefers rocky landscapes with good food availability and safe nesting.

  • Diet

These owls can eat anything including beetles, roe deer fawns, mammals, snakes, lizards, crows, ducks, grouse, seabirds, small owls, crabs, voles, rats, mice, foxes, hares and many others. However, the prey mainly depends on the availability, and usually, voles and rats are their prey.

Furthermore, in some coastal areas, they feed on seabirds and ducks. That’s why they are considered as one of the Different Species Of Owls. 

  • Age

The Eurasian eagle-owl lives for 20 years. However, if you provide them adequate care, they can live for 60 years.

Tawny Owl

Tawny Owl
Tawny Owl has speedy wingbeats

It is also known as Brown Owl with the size of a woodpigeon. It has a round body and head with dark feathers on its face. The owl has forward-facing eyes and is plain in the color facial disk. These are mainly found in the Palearctic areas and a member of the Strix genus. It does not have any ear tufts but a prominent facial disc. The owl has a short tail and broad wings. Their weight is 325-716 g with the 36-40 cm length.

  • Color

It has blackish-brown eyes and pale edges with the blue-grey eyelids. The underparts are white, and underside feathers are dusky in color. The body is covered with the plain brown color that helps to camouflage them against trees. It has white spots on the shoulder and scapular line. It contains a pale olive bill and tawny buff wings. Owl Legs are feathered and covered with white color and blackish claws.

  • Behavior

These owls are nocturnal but sometimes stay up at day time as well. It has speedy wingbeats and becomes aggressive while nest defending. They wait for their prey quietly, and after detecting them, the owl attacks within the blink of an eye and covers the victim with broad wings. They kill their prey mostly by the strong feet and claws, and sometimes they use their beak to cut the skull.

  • Habitat

They love to live in the woodlands, forests, parklands, and extensive gardens. Their preferred area to live in the woodland.

  • Diet

Their prey includes rabbits, moles, mice, voles, rodents, shrews, earthworms, birds, frogs, fish, lizards, mollusks, and other insects.

  • Age

The Tawny Owl typical age is five years, but 18-27 years has been recorded for an owl in captivity.

Great Gray Owl

Great Gray Owl
Great Gray Owl live in the deep pine trees

It is the tallest one in the Owl Species List. They have broad wings, long tails, and a big head. The facial disk of the owl is large, and some of them are dwarfs as well. These owls are bulky due to the dense feathers, and females are more extensive than males. Their weight is 580-1900 g and 140-142 cm in length. Great Gray Owl Calls is deep with the rhythmic sound whoos. It is the largest Owl In Florida. One can find these Owls In Canada easily.

  • Color

This tall owl is dressed in the full gray color suit with a bow at the neck and a fascinating look. They’ve silver-gray appearance with white, gray throat and brown streaking. It has yellow eyes with the incredible shine and gray-brown circles around the facial disk. The owl has pale arcs X between eyes with the yellow bill.

  • Behavior

They never seek any attention and usually not move towards the areas with people. These owls quietly stay on the edges of meadows and entirely invisible due to their size. However, you can also find them in any open forests. The great gray owl has a habit of hunting at night during the hours before dawn. It first listens to the voice of small mammals then quietly follows them to come down and capture the prey with the broad wings.

  • Habitats

The owls live in the deep pine trees, fir forests, meadows, subarctic evergreen forests, and other open areas away from the people.

  • Diet

These owls feed on voles, pocket gophers, mice, shrews, weasels, small birds, and sometimes frogs. But their main diet depends on the little rodents. Due to the high sense of hearing, they can quickly locate their prey.

  • Age

The captive great gray owl can live for 27 years, but the banded bird has an average lifespan of 13 years.

Northern Pygmy-Owl

Northern Pygmy-Owl
Northern Pygmy-Owl used to sit mostly at the top of the conifer tree to find their prey

It is the small Owl Of North America with the circular head and no ear tufts. The owl has a long tail and short wings. The overall length of this Owl In North America is 15-17 cm. They rely on their vision due to the low sense of hearing. As most of the Owls In Lists have the asymmetrical ears that aids in better hearing but lack this feature. Moreover, Pygmy Owl Sound is high pitched and rapid.

  • Color

The owl is covered with the brown color with the white spots on back and head. However, the owl back has dark patches that make it look like eye spots. Furthermore, their eyes and the bill is cool yellow. Due to the colors and size, one can’t find them easily.

  • Behavior

They have a habit of hunting in the daytime so you can easily watch them. These owls used to sit mostly at the top of the conifer tree to find their prey. The flight of a Northern pygmy owl is the same as a woodpecker in an undulating, or you can say smooth rise and fall pattern.

  • Habitat

These owls live in Western North America, mostly in confiners. Furthermore, the owl habitats include moist forest, savanna, continuous forests, and wetlands.

  • Diet

Their diet includes small rodents, birds, reptiles, insects, and amphibians.

Northern Saw-Whet Owl

Northern Saw-Whet Owl
Northern Saw-Whet Owl come out at night

It is the small Owl Of North America that is found in deep conifers and dense thickets. It is one of the Small Owl Species with a round head and no ear tufts. The owl weight is 54-151 g and 17-2 cm long.

  • Color

This bird has brown color mixed with white spots and a whitish facial disk. It contains an oversize head and a cat-like face. The owl has dark brown Juveniles and black beak. Furthermore, the belly and breast are creamy yellows.

  • Behavior

One can’t see them easily and come out at night. They perch in dense green areas at day time and find prey at night. These owls have supervision that aids in locating the victim. However, if someone watches them, they sit still and not move. Due to this behavior, people considered them as tame. This is their defense trick.

  • Habitat

These are the forest birds that live in the mixed woods. One can find them in the vast forests of North America.

  • Diet

They mostly eat the deer mice that live in the forest. Furthermore, this owl feeds on mice, shrews, giant insects, small birds, and squirrels.

  • Age

The owl can live for 17 years in captivity. But in the wild, the lifespan is recorded as seven years only.

 Striped Owl

 Striped Owl
Striped Owl flies with the rapid wing beats and hunts at night

The next in the Owl Species List is a striped owl with the medium size and large ear tufts. The prominent tufts give the crown resemblance to ears. It has a round head and shorter wings. The owl is 12-15 inches long, with the 320-546 g in weight.

  • Colors

It has a brownish-white face with a black beak. The owl eyes and upper parts are cinnamon-colored. It has tawny underparts and whitish eyebrows. This owl has a blackish bill, ear tufts, and dusky forehead. The back is the dark, whitish scapular web, white throat, and creamy toes.

  • Behavior

It is mainly nocturnal and gets active right after sunset. It flies with the rapid wing beats and hunts at night. The owl hunting technique is different from others. They lower their flight in the open landscapes and, within seconds, dives after prey to catch them on the go. These owls sit on perch to locate their prey correctly. It has a hawk-like whistle sound.

  • Habitat

They prefer to live in the grasslands, scattered trees, bushes, and small groves. One can also find them in the open marshlands, agricultural lands, wooded areas, and pasture.

  • Diet

This owl feeds on small mammals, small birds, spiny rats, cavies, rice rats, opossums, doves, bats, flycatchers, house sparrows, thrushes, giant insects, and reptiles.

Tawny Fish Owl

Tawny Fish Owl
Tawny Fish Owl dive into the water to catch the fish

The other Different Types Of Owls includes tawny fish that is mainly the fish owl species. It is a large brown bird with the drooping ear tufts. It is one of the attractive Breeds Of Owls with a full body. The average weight of this bird is 4.52-5.84 pounds and 48-61cm long.

  • Colors

It has yellow eyes and tawny brown plumage. The face is covered with the orange color and brown border. They have white eyebrows and blackish brown streaks.

Moreover, the owl’s flight feathers are dark brown, white throat, buffed dark brown tail, blackish bill, and yellowish-green scales on feet.

  • Behavior

These owls are active during the day and can be found actively hunting before the nightfall at any stormy or cloudy days. They are most active at dawn, but till afternoon the owl tends to be lazy, inactive, and quiet. Their hunting style is different from the other Types Of Owls.

They dive into the water to catch the fish from the water surface. The tawny fish owl is surprisingly active during the hunting, and not even slows down for a second.

  • Habitat

The owl lives in the forest of southern Nepal, Bangladesh, China, Laos, and northern India. One can find them in the evergreen forests, rivers with the lower elevations, running water areas, and swamp forests.

  • Diet

They feed on the fishes mainly but also eat crayfish, crabs, amphibians, lizards, snakes, shrimps, small birds, small mammals, and giant insects.

  • Age

They can live for almost 30 years in captivity, but the age reduces in the wild due to the risk of animal attacks and diseases.

Collared Scops Owls

Collared Scoop Owls
Collared Scops Owls has a soft hoot like voice

It is a small owl but most abundant of the scoop owls. It has a little head with tiny tufts. This Small Owl Species belongs to the typical owls. The owl is 23-25 cm in length and 100-170 g in weight.

  • Color

It is a light brown and grey colored bird. The facial disk of the owl is off white and black-rimmed. This owl has light beige and darker brown upperparts. However, the upper part coloring differs in subspecies. It has a yellowish marking on the body, and eyes are orange-brown.

It has a pale feather on scapular regions and hindneck. Furthermore, the underparts are brown, dusky olive toes, and dusky yellow mandible.

  • Behavior

It is a nocturnal bird that one can hardly see at day time. They sit on the beaches during day time with motionless and upright posture. It has a soft hoot like voice.

  • Habitats

They live in the forest, groves of trees, scrubs, bamboo stands, and other well-wooded areas.

  • Diet

These owls feed mainly on insects including beetles, grasshoppers, etc. However, they can also take mice, lizards, and small birds.

Western Screech-Owl

Western Screech-Owl
Western Screech-Owl are often heard by people but rarely seen

It is another Small Owl Breed with the stocky bodies. It has a square head with no neck. The owl has a short tail and visible ear tufts. The length of this bird is the 19-26 cm and 16-180 g weight. This is one of the Types Of Owls In Texas.

  • Color

The owl can easily camouflage due to the color pattern that includes brown, gray, and reddish-brown. Their upper part is covered with the white color. The bread and belly have a pale color and spidery bands on the body. It has yellow eyes with a pale face.

  • Behavior

They are often heard by people but rarely seen. These come out, or you can say stay active at night and spend their days in any hole. They sit and locate their prey, catch them with the broad wings.

  • Habitat

This owl lives in the forests, suburbs, parks, forests, or any backyards.

  • Diet

They are carnivores and eat small mammals. Their food includes birds, invertebrates, fish, and amphibians. However, the diet differs from place to place and depends on the season as well.

  • Age

The owl can live for 19 years old in captivity. However, the lifespan is 13 years in the wild.

Short-Eared Owl

Short-Eared Owl
Short-Eared Owl flies low over the grasslands

This owl is medium-sized and has a round head. It has broad wings and smooth tips. The bird has short ears, broad wings, short tails, and soft tips. It has 34-43 cm in length and 206-475 g weight.

  • Color

The owl is covered with the brown spots and white color on the underparts. It has a pale face and yellow eyes with a black outline. Their breast contains brown bands, pale belly, and underwing. It comes with the coma marked around the wrist and pale patch in upper wings.

  • Behavior

It flies low over the grasslands and is active during the day time. They move up and down with the stiff beats created by the rounded wings. However, they go out hunting at night and catch their prey in open areas.

  • Habitats

It lives in the grasslands, fields, and other open areas. They preferred those areas with the low trees to sit during the daytime.

  • Diet

Their food mainly consists of voles, rodents, small mammals, squirrels, mice, rats, bats, shrews, and other little birds.

  • Lifespan

They can live for four years and two months.

 Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl

 Verreaux's Eagle-Owl
Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl has the habit of hunting in the early hours of the night

This owl is commonly known as the Giant eagle owl. It belongs to the family Strigidae. It comes with 30 inches in length and has 1615-3115 g weight.

  • Colors

The owl is covered with brown feathers. The face and chest contain creamy white color mixed with the brown. It has pink eyelids that are Rare Owl features. The beak of this owl is pale-colored and dark eyes.

  • Behavior

It has the habit of hunting in the early hours of the night. However, they can also take their prey in the daytime. These owls perch on the shaded areas including branches or any other site for a more extended period during dawn. They love to bathe in the rain and shallow water.

  • Habitat

These owls live in Saharan Africa but not found in the deep forests. Furthermore, they don’t go to the primary forests and stay in the highest density areas.

  • Diet

Their diet includes larger prey as compared to other Kinds Of Owls. They feed on rabbits, rats, pigeons, mongoose, and other mammals.

  • Age

The average lifespan of Verreaux Eagle-owl is 30 years.

Australian Masked Owl

Australian Masked Owl
Australian Masked Owl is the barn owl found in the non deserted areas

This owl is the barn owl found in the non deserted areas. It comes with such an attractive yet exciting look. The other name used for this bird is Mouse Owl. These owls are the largest in Australia and the second most strong yet powerful owl around the globe. It has 35-47 cm length and 660 g of weight. However, females come with a more substantial mass as compared to males.

  • Color

It comes with the blackish-brown plumage and paler underparts. The upper part of the owl consists of white spots and larger eyes. Their face is covered with white color and heart-shaped. Furthermore, the owl’s face border is brown and black-brown eye color. Females have darker colors than males.

  • Behavior

These are the nocturnal birds that stay in the cavities during day time and move out for hunting at night. They make their homes in the trees that are suitable for the nest’s formation.

  • Habitat

The masked owls live in forests, waterways, woodlands and remain in the territory all year.

  • Diet

They feed on rodents, mice, small birds, reptiles, bandicoots, possums, and small dasyurids.

  • Age

The average lifespan of these owls is ten years.

Rare Owl

Rare Owl
Rare Owl are endangered

Blakiston Fish owl is one of the most giant and rare owls in the world. It is Different Species of Owls due to the unusual lifestyle requirement. The owl lives in the north, eats fish, and lives in the large holes. The length of this owl is 60-72 cm and weighs 3000-3700 g.

  • Behavior

These owls get sexually mature at the age of three and start making pair bonds. However, they are endangered and feed on fish. The bird stays active at night and day.

  • Habitat

They live in deep forests and select the old range of trees for home. The select owl’s areas like lakes, rivers, coniferous forests, seacoasts, and slow-flowing waters for a living.

  • Diet

The owls feed on fish, crabs, crayfish, waterfowl species, bats, frogs, and small mammals.

Spotted Owl

Spotted owls
Spotted owls are mainly nocturnal

These Breeds Of Owls are larger with a round head and no ear tufts. It has broad wings and a short tail. The bird’s weight is 570 g. Their length is 12-60 m and belongs to the family Strigidae.

  • Color

The owl is covered in dark brown and has white markings. Their chest is marked with the oval white spots and large size. The facial disk is covered with dark brown color and has X between the eyes. Moreover, the eyes are brown and paler facial discs.

  • Behavior

The spotted owls are mainly nocturnal and have a habit of hunting the small mammals. First, they sit quietly at a tree or anywhere and then move down to the prey for the attack.

  • Habitat

They live in the mature forests, high growth forests, conifer forests, and pine-oak forests.

  • Diet

Their diet consists of small mammals, flying squirrels, woodrats, voles, mice, birds, insects, and amphibians.

  • Age

The spotted owls live for 16 to 17 years. However, if you keep them in captivity, then lifespan could increase.


1. How many types of owls are there?

There are almost 250 owl species around the globe.

2. What kinds of owls are there?

There are 250 owls including barn owls, snowy owl, burrowing owl, elf owl, snowy owl, etc.

3. What is the most beautiful owl?

The most beautiful owls include burrowing owl, barn owl, snowy owl, spectacled owl, short-eared owl, barred owl, little owl, Eurasian eagle owl.

4. What is the rarest owl in the world?

Blakiston’s fish owl is the rarest one around the world.

5. How many species of owls?

More than 250 owls belong to different families in the world.

6. How many different species are there?

The owls are divided into two families and a total of 250 Different Species Of Owls. 

7. How many owls are in the world?

Almost 250 owl species are in the world.

8. Where are owls found?

Owls found in different areas include deserts, forests, trees, holes in the ground, barns, caves, and prairies.

9. What is the smallest owl?

Elf owl is the small owl species.

10. How do I know what kind of owl I have?

You can check what kind of owl you’ve by their size, eyes, bill, plumage, ears, facial disk.

11. What are owls?

Owls are the birds that belong from Strigiformes and further divided into two families Strigidae and barn owl family.

12. Where do owls live during the day?

Owls live in the tree branches, cavities, and or any resting place called a roost.

13. What are owls known for?

Owls are famous for the large eyes with excellent vision. Furthermore, they can easily rotate their neck to 270 degrees.

14. Are owls protected?

Few countries protect their owls and take substantial charges if you release them.

15. Where do owls live?

They live in their resting place, including trees, cavities, holes, and ground during the day and moving out for hunting at night.

16. What is the cost of an owl?

The average price of an owl is $1000 for the smallest Breeds Of Owls.

17. Is an owl a bird?

Yes, owls are mainly birds from the Strigiformes order. More than 200 species of owls are in the world, and they are divided into two families.


We’ve discussed the Breeds Of Owls precisely to provide you the summarized yet accurate information. However, these are the significant owls we’ve picked from the Owls Species List.

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