Monkeys living around the globe come in different shapes, colors and sizes. These mammals are very intelligent and opposable thumbs that help them to use tools. There are more than 260 types of monkey breeds. It has two separated two categories including New world and old world. The New World monkeys belong from the Americas, while the Old World monkeys are from Asia and Africa. The only difference between these categories is that old world monkeys don’t have prehensile tails. The old world monkeys have individual pouches in their cheeks to store food.
However, new world monkeys do not have this feature. Furthermore, old monkeys do not contain ramp pads, but it is not in the New World monkeys. The old monkeys have small nostrils, curved and set close together, but new world monkeys have separated round nostrils. Monkeys are in different shapes and sizes. However, the world’s Tiny Monkey Breed is Pygmy marmoset.
- Related: Rhesus Macaque
It belongs to the Large Monkey Breeds and a primate of the Old World Monkey. He belongs to the genus Mandrills and their appearance matched with the balloons. This comes in olive green color with yellow and black bands. Their belly is the white and hairless face. The monkey is covered with the red nostrils, red lips, white tufts and yellow beard. The anus and genitals areas are multicolored. However, the adult’s males are more dominant and have prominent colors.
- Related: Emperor Tamarin
The typical behavior among primates is the grooming of each other. They communicate through the scent marks, body language and vocalization. However, sometimes to show their large cannon teeth, the monkeys shake their head and grin.
Following are the monkey diet:
Their weight is 19-37 kg male and 10-15 kg in the female. However, the body length of the male is 75-95 cm and female is 55-66 cm.
The average lifespan of this breed is 20 years.
Rhesus Macaque
This species belongs from the Old World Monkeys group. It is in the IUCN Red List of threatened animals. One can find them in South, Southeast and Central Asia. They are brown or grey with a pink face and less or no fur. These monkeys are intelligent and friendly when young but become short-tempered as an adult. They have a full rib cage and contain 50 vertebrae.
These monkeys are active during the day time and have aggression in nature. They have a habit of living in active troops including 200 animals at least. They are one of the good Pet Monkey Breeds due to their quality of living comfortably in captivity.
The weight of a male monkey is 7.7 kg while the females have 5.3 kg. Similarly, their body length is 53 cm (male) and 47 cm (female). This shows that males are larger and more dominant as compared to females. The tail length is 20.7-22.9 cm.
They have a lifespan of almost 25 years.
The diet includes:
Emperor Tamarin
These are the Small Monkey Breeds found in Peru, southwest Amazon basin and west bazillions state of an acre. The monkey is covered with the grey color fur and chest contains yellowish speckles. It has black hands and feet with the brown tail. It has a long white beard that goes beyond the shoulders. They’ve claws on each toe and fingers and long moustaches. It contains white hair on the chin. The monkey has hair on its chest and belly covered with the red, white, orange beards. It contains dark brown fur on its back. Their inner side of their legs and arms comes with orange color.
These monkeys have rapid, gracefully, playful and active behavior. They are social and friendly with humans. However, in captivity, they behave agonistically to the seniority. The monkey has long calls that humans can easily hear even at 150 m away.
The monkey’s weight is 500 g, and the body length is 23-26 cm. Their tail length is 35-41.5 cm.
The emperor Tamarins monkeys live for 10-20 years.
The monkey’s diet includes:
Panamanian White-Faced Capuchin
The other name for this monkey is Central American White-Faced Capuchin or Panamanian White-Faced Capuchin and is medium-sized. They are covered with the black fur, and their necks come with white to yellow hair. Furthermore, the white to yellow hair is on the throat, neck, chest, upper arms and shoulders. It has a pink or white color with dark brows. It contains dark patches on the body. The tail is prehensile and black fur covering the head gives it a cap look.
They are active during day time and live in trees. They travel in groups or troops of almost 20-30 monkeys. Male have a habit of migrating to new groups multiple times; however, females stay with the one group. They have inter specific interactions with the spider monkeys.
The average weight of this monkey breed is 2.9-3.9 kg. Their body length is 34-45 cm.
The monkey can live for 54 years in the captivity.
Monkeys love to eat different food. Their diet is versatile, and they eat different types of food. The diet includes:
Long-Tailed Macaque
The long-tailed macaque is also known as crab-eating macaque. One can find them in Southeast Asia. They have dark brown upper parts with the light golden brown color at the tips. It has light grey underparts and dark brown or dark grey tail. Their hair is backward directed and has a crown-like appearance. The feet, ears are covered with the black skin while the muzzle has a grayish pink color. There are white markings on the eyelids and white spots present on ears. The females contain check whiskers, but the mail has moustaches along with the cheek whiskers.
- Related: Lion-tailed Macaque All Information
The monkey is social and lives in a group of at least 20 members. Male live in their natal groups but later on join the bachelors or social groups. This species does not show any aggression between groups.
The male has 2 kg of weight while the female has 1.4 kg only. Furthermore, the body length of this monkey is 85 cm (female) to 80 cm ( male). Their tail is 40-65 cm longer than the body length.
The monkey can live for 20 years.
They are omnivorous, and their diet consists of:
Japanese Macaque
It is also known as a snow monkey belonging to the Old World monkeys. They have a pinkish face, and the body is covered with grayish or brown hair. The monkey coat is superbly adapted to the cold temperature. However, it decreases when the temperature gets hot.
The female spends the majority of the time in the trees while male loves to live on the ground. They are active during day time and live in social groups. Females do not live in any natal group, but male once mature join the troops. Social grooming is the collective behavior of these monkeys. They use their facial expressions to talk with each other. Furthermore, monkeys use gestures or display behavior to communicate.
The weight of this monkey is 11 kg (male) and 8.4 kg (female). Their average height is 57 cm in male and 52 cm in females.
The monkey can live for 28-32 years.
They are omnivores and eat many foods. It includes:
Proboscis Monkey
The other name of this breed is bekantan. They have a broad nose, long tail and reddish-brown skin color. One can find them easily in the mangrove forests and coastal areas of the island. It is one of the Large Monkey Breeds. Their back is covered with the bright orange, yellowish-brown, reddish-brown or brick red color. The fur on the underparts is light grey, grayish, yellowish or light orange. They have webbed toes.
Proboscis Monkey loves spending time on trees. They move to land just to search for the food. The monkey lives in groups where the male is dominant, 2-7 females and the offspring. However, most of the groups gather in the area near water at night to sleep.
The weight of the male is 20 kg, and the female is 9.5 kg. Their body length is 66-76.2 cm.
They can live for 20 years in the wild.
The diet includes:
Guinea Baboon
It belongs to the Old World Monkeys lives in forests, savannas, woodlands, grasslands. One can find them in coastal areas of the West African countries. These are the Small Monkey Breeds with the hairless face and rumps. The front is covered with black and dark purple color. However, the backsides of female monkeys are bright red, and male monkeys find it very attractive. However, the baboon’s snouts are more dog-like. Yet, the hair has a red mixture that’s why they are also known as red baboons. It has wavy hair and males contains longer hair, but both genders consist of lighter fur on the rims of the face.
These monkeys are quadrupedal and mainly active during the day time. They seek refuge in areas like palm or kapok trees where they sleep at night and feel protected. The monkey has a habit of jumping from one tree to another and has high social significance.
It is the smallest species with a weight between 13-26 kg. However, males are larger than females. Their body length is 50-83 cm in length ( males) and 45-70 cm in range (females).
The average lifespan of this monkey is 45 years old.
The diet of these Tiny Monkey Breeds includes:
Bald Uakari
It is small, or you can say Tiny Monkey Breeds belongs to the New World Monkey. They’ve short tails, crimson faces, bald heads and long coats. The monkey has a long yet shaggy coat with the bob like the tail. It has a red look and has thinner epidermis. However, the female redness of the skin is directly related to the estrogen level. Moreover, redder the face healthier the monkey is.
The monkey is active during the day time and loves to live on the trees. However, during the dry season monkeys come down from the trees. They are not hunters but foragers and known as territorial. The monkey is predominantly quadruped and comfortably walks or jumps on two legs.
The average weight of this monkey breed is 1.8-3.2 kg, and the body length is 35-57 cm. Furthermore, females are smaller than males.
The monkey can live for 15 to 20 years in captivity. But if you provide them with adequate care, these Small Pet Monkey Breeds then live for 30 years.
The diet consists of main fruits, leaves, roots, seeds, insects, and unripe fruit due to the strong jaws unlike other Monkey Breeds AZ.
Barbary Macaque
It is also known as Magot and lives outside Asia. One can find them in the Atlas Mountains or Algeria or areas of Morocco. They are yellowish, and the underpart of the body has a lighter color. Males and females are similar but vary in sizes. The small stump of the monkey is hidden by the fur. It comes with the dark pink face and a vestigial tail.
It is the social animal that loves to live in mixed groups. The troops contain 10-100 members in which women are the head according to the ancestors. Unlike other breeds, the males raise their infants and spend time with them. In this way, they develop a strong bond with the kids.
The body weight of the male is 32 pounds, and the female has 21.8 pounds. The body lengths of these monkeys are 556 m in male and 634 m females.
The monkey can live for 25 years.
The diet of this breed includes
Common Marmoset
It is a new world monkey live in Brazil on the Northeast Coast and other states. These are the Tiny Monkey Breeds, and some people consider them as the Small Pet Monkey Breeds. It has a short body and long tails. Different colors sprinkled on their body which includes brown, yellow, and grey. The monkey contains white ear tufts and a banded tail. They’ve black bands across the nose area, and the forehead comes with the white one. The coating is of brown and yellow color. They are the Cute Monkey due to its attractive appearance.
The behavior of this monkey includes aggression, grooming, locomotion, play, communication, resting, drinking, feeding and infant care. They have large families, but few members get permission for breeding. They travel in a group of 15 individuals, including 1-2 females.
It has 256 g (males) to 236 g (females) weight with the body length 188 mm to 185 mm.
They can live for 12 years in the wild and 16 years in captivity.
The diet includes fruits, seeds, nestlings, birds eggs, flowers, fungi, nectar, snails, lizards and tree frogs.
Hamadryas Baboon
This species is from the Old World Monkey family found in the Southwestern area of the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. It depicts different coloring among adults. The adult males come in silver-white color while females have a capeless and brown color. The face color of the monkey is red, tan or dark brown.
These are the diurnal animals and wake up at day time while sleep at night. Right after waking up, the different groups of baboons come together, which is called a monkey around. They play with each other, chase and groom within their one unit. After doing these activities, they begin their work.
The weight of a female monkey is 10-15 kg while the male monkey is 20-30 kg. Furthermore, the body lengths of these monkeys are 40-45 cm.
The monkey can live for 30-37 years of age.
The monkey’s diet contains fruits, insects, nuts, seeds, small animals, roots, tubers, and grass.
Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey
This monkey is also known as Central American spider monkey or black handed spider monkey. They are from Central America, Colombia and Mexico. It has five subspecies as well. The monkey contains rust, brown, black or buff color. It has dark hands and feet. The face is pale, and the skin around the eyes or muzzle is bare. It has slim arms and legs and a prehensile tail.
These monkeys love locomotion which includes walking, running, climbing, swinging on the tree branches. They use their limbs for the arboreal movement and tail for the suspension motion.
It has 2.3 kg weight in males and 2.2 kg in females. The body length is 100 cm (males) to 69 cm (females).
The lifespan in the wild is unknown, but they can live for 30 years in captivity.
Their diet includes leaves and fruits.
Black Snub-Nosed Monkey
It is also known as Yunnan Snub-Nosed Monkey. This is one of the Large Monkey Breeds that lives in Yunnan. It has a greenish face, black and white body. The monkey comes with the short tail and long body. It has a forward tuft at the head that makes the curling crown.
The monkey loves to travel and eats in a group of 500 individuals. The band mostly divides into units with one male adult, five females and the offspring, however, if these social units come closer to each other more than 10 feet then it provokes aggression in male adults.
The weight of the monkey is 10 kg and body length 72 cm.
The monkey can live for 14.7 years.
The monkey eats young leaves, fruits, herbs, mature leaves, flowers, bark, lichens and buds.
Dusky Leaf Monkey
It is a primate species that one can find in Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand. They’ve spent their time positioning and 33% of the leaves of plants for feeding. The body is covered with a grey color, and brown fur also occurs in a few subspecies. It has white-colored large patches around eyes that gives the sporty sunglasses look to them.
These are the diurnal animals. They stay active during the daytime and go to their roosts that the monkey made in trees at night. The monkey loves to stay at a height of 35 meters or more.
The dusky leaf monkey has 7.1 kg of body weight.
The monkey’s lifespan is 15. 3 years.
The diet of this monkey contains shoots, young leaves, and seedlings.
Central American Squirrel Monkey
It is also known as a red-backed squirrel monkey. It belongs from the pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panama. This monkey is considered as the Tiny Monkey Breeds with white and black facial skin. This is mainly green in color with the orange back and olive shoulders. It has white undersides, orange hand, hip, tail and feet. These contains black color at the tip of the tail and the head is covered with the black cap. The head cap of males is lighter as compared to the females. It has a white face with the black rims that cover the eyes.
It loves to live in the trees and stays active during the day time. They have four legs to move from one tree to another. It travels in a group of 20-75 members which includes juveniles, males and females. The groups start travelling at sunrise and return to their places at sunset after an hour. They use their tail for the balance.
Their weight is 590 g, and the body length is 66-68 cm.
The monkey can live for 15 years.
The diet includes:
Golden Lion Tamarin
It is also known as Golden Marmoset. This monkey belongs from the family of new world monkeys. However, it is the Small Monkey Breeds that live in Brazil in the Atlantic Forests. However, this is one of the endangered species. It comes with the reddish-orange pelage and long hair around the ears and face. It has a dark yet hairless look.
They mostly have nuclear families but can live in extended families. They defend their particular areas with the scents and vocalized threats. Same like other primates they love grooming and are touchy about the areas they live in. Their signs of aggression include an arched back, staring or an open mouth.
The weight of the monkey is 540 g, and body length is 24-25 cm.
The average monkey lifespan is 15 years.
The diet includes small invertebrates, insects and fruits.
Pygmy Marmoset
It belongs from the genus Cebuella Of New World Monkeys found in South America. This is one of the Small Pet Monkey Breeds that lives in evergreen forests and river edge forests. These is covered with a fur which has a mixture color including brownish-gold, grey and black at the head and back. The underparts contain yellow, tawny and orange color. The tail comes with the black rings and face covered with the white flecks at cheeks. However, a white vertical line is present between eyes.
They are active at the time, and their practice includes posturing. They show jerky movements, stereotypic and strutting movements, body swaying and piloerection. The monkey travels in a group of 2-9 members with one male adult and two females.
The weight of pygmy marmoset is 100 g while their body length is 12-15 cm.
The average lifespan of this Tiny Monkey Breed is 12 years.
Their diet includes vegetables, fruits, meal worms, wax worms, boiled eggs and crickets.
Olive Baboon
It is also known as Anubis Baboon. It is a member of the old world monkeys. One can find them in 25 countries. The name given to this monkey is due to its coat. The monkey has grayish-green shade and yellow-brown plus black rings on hair. The hair on baboon’s faces is dark grey to black. However, males have longer hair as compared to females.
- Related: Mandrill vs Baboon
The male and females are mostly friends and spend their days grooming, travelling, foraging, relaxing, sleeping near each other. However, they are protected for each other and show aggression in defense or during infant care.
Their weight is 10-37 kg. The body length of this monkey breed is 55-70 cm.
They can live for 30 years.
The diet contains plants, small mammals, invertebrates, leaves, roots, grass, fruits, lichens, seeds, tubers, rhizomes and corms.
Chacma Baboon
It is also called a cape baboon. Same like others it also belongs to the Old World Monkey family. However, it is one of the large Monkey Breeds found in Southern Africa. It is the longest species and hairy. They have a dog-like head and a prominent muzzle. The eyes are close not too far from each other. Male comes with the longer teeth and dark mane round neck as well as shoulders. The different appearance is similar to the baboon mentioned above.
They are active at the day time and terrestrial animals which spend their days while foraging on the ground. However, they went to trees at night to sleep. Their tails have arched shapes, and they walk on four legs. Furthermore, the monkey loves to do grooming, socializing, foraging in groups and friendships.
The female monkey has 14 kg weight while the male is 10 kg. Their body length is 1.2 m (male) and 1.1 m (female).
The average lifespan of this giant monkey breed is 30-40 years almost.
Monkeys can eat fruits, tubers, roots, leaves, scorpions, insects, small mammals and birds.
Black Lion Tamarin
It is also known as golden rumped lion tamarin. One can find them in the Brazilian state. However, this is one of the rarest Monkey Breeds AZ. They are covered with the black fur having a glossy texture. It contains reddish patches on the thing, base of tail and ramp. It has long black hair on the face.
It is the diurnal animal and highly social. They live in family units which contain a pair and offspring as well.
The monkey’s weight is 570 g, and body length is 28.7 cm. Furthermore, the tail length is 36.3 cm.
Monkeys have an average life of 14 years.
They love to eat gums, fruits, and insects.
Cotton Top Tamarin
It is one of the Small Monkey Breeds belonging to the New World Monkeys family. It comes with a long sagittal crest and is covered with the white hair. The white hair is one their forehead to nape. However, they have black skin and white or grey bands in the eyebrow area. These bands not just stay there but also move till the jaws area. This monkey mainly comes in 3 groups according to the facial characteristics. The white hair on the monkey’s face is prominent. However, they are fully covered with fur except for palms, legs and arms. Upper tail, rump and inner thigh are reddish-orange and whiskers at the forehead.
This monkey is highly social and lives in a group of almost 2-9 members. Breeding pair is the head of the group. Furthermore, in this species females get the authority of dominance over the breeding male.
Their weight is 36-39 g, and the body length is 50-54 cm.
The average life is 13.5 years.
These monkeys eat fruits, insects, and larger vertebrae.
Northern Plain Gray Langur
It is also known as Sacred langur. It has light color on the body while the back and limbs have darker fur. The feet, hands and face are black. They are silver in color with the yellow tinge, and white hair covering the front and reddish-gold color belly.
The monkey loves to spend time on trees, active at day time and terrestrial. They love to live in the dry forests, tropical dry shrubland. Females groom other males and females. However, males do not groom anyone.
The average weight is 13 kg, and body length is 60 cm.
They live for 18 years in the wild and 30 years in captivity.
It contains fruits, leaves, flowers, seeds, buds, insects, and bark.
Common Squirrel Monkey
This is the common name that is used for various squirrel monkeys. They are mainly the Tiny Breeds Of Monkey found in South America. Their body is covered with a grayish coat and legs are yellow. They have a non-prehensile tail.
They are diurnal, and their activities belong to the water source. Their most exciting action is chemical or olfactory communication.
Their weight is 270-100 g, and the body length is 58-60 cm.
They can live for 15 years in the wild and 20 years.
The diet includes fruits, insects, seeds and leaves.
Southern Pig Tailed Macaque
It is also known as Sundaland Pig-tailed Macaque and is medium-sized in Southern Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. However, their local name is beruk. The monkey is covered with buff-brown fur, and the dorsal area is darker and the ventral region is lighter in tone. They have short-tailed that share a resemblance with the pig.
Unlike others, this breed of the monkey is truly a water lover. They live in a larger group but split into smaller ones during day time while searching for food.
The average weight of this breed is 5-15 kg, and body length is 66-78 cm.
The monkey can live for 26 years.
The diet includes cereals, fungi, seeds, fruits, invertebrates and berries.
Celebes Crested Macaque
The monkey is known as Crested black macaque, or the black ape belongs from the old world monkeys family. One can find them on the island of Sulawesi and the surrounding islands. Their face is covered with thin black hair, but the hair on the body is deep and woolly. Juvenile is paler as compared to the adults. They are all black except the areas around the shoulders.
The monkey loves to stay awake at day time and sleep at night. They are rain forest dwellers and terrestrial. This animal spends most of the day socializing and searching for food.
The animal weight is 2-5.5 kg and 38 cm length.
Their 70% diets consist of fruits, buds, seeds, bird eggs, and small birds.
The monkey can live for 34 years.
Red Shanked Douc
It is from the Old World monkeys family and considered as the colorful primates. It is found in Southern Laos, Northeastern Cambodia and Vietnam. Due to their unique appearance, they are called the queen of primates. They have white forearms, black to grey upper legs and red lower legs. However, the color of the hands and feet are black.
Like others, they are active during day time and have a low pitched growl, which is considered as a threat alarm. However, we don’t have information about their wild breeding habits because one can rarely see them in the wild.
The average weight of this monkey breed is 3.6 kg-10 kg(male). However, the body length is 1 m (male) and 96 cm (female).
The monkey can live for 25 years.
The diet consists of leaves, flowers, buds, seeds and unripe fruits.
Yellow Baboon
They are from the Old World monkeys family. The monkey comes with a muzzle and head that resembles a dog-like shape. They are slim with long legs and arms. The monkey has yellowish-brown hair. It has a black hairless face and white sideburns.
The monkey spends their day in forage for food and socializing. However, they are a diurnal animal with the habit of ground-dwelling.
The females are 11 kg while males have 23 kg of weight. It comes with 1.2 m male and 1 m female body length.
The monkey can live for 30 years of age.
It includes seeds, plants, grass, blossoms, fruits, plants, bulbs, birds, rodents, insects, worms, small mammals and leaves.
Vervet Monkey
It is also called African Grey monkey, or Savannah monkey belongs from the Old World monkeys family. They have a yellow or greenish-brown coat with the white bellies, brows and cheeks. Due to the black skin on the face, hands and feet, one can easily recognize them.
They are the non-human primate models due to having the social and genetic expression of humans. The monkey comes with human-like characteristics including alcohol dependency, social, anxiety and hypertension issues. They are terrestrial and use the four legs for locomotion.
The monkey’s weight is 3.9-8 kg, and body length is 420-600 mm.
The monkey can live for 12-24 years.
The monkey can eat flowers, wild fruits, seed pods, seeds, vegetables, a tobacco plant, grain crops.
White-Faced Saki
The other names used for this monkey are Golden faced saki and Guianan saki. This species belongs to the New World Saki Monkey. One can find them in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil and French Guiana. They have sex dimorphism, which is noticeable in their colors as well as size. Females come with short hair as compared to males. The females contain brownish-grey fur and pale brown or white stripes at the mouth as well as nose corners. However, males include black fur, reddish face, throat and forehead.
The monkey is active at the day time and loves to spend their days on trees. They get up in the early morning and travel by jumping from one tree to another.
The male weight is 1.8-2.4 kg while females come with 1.4-1.9 kg weight. Their body length is 32-40 cm.
It can live for 14 years almost.
It includes seeds, fruits, flowers, insects, small animals rarely and loves to eat young leaves.
Green Monkey
It is also called Callithrix monkey from Old World Monkeys found in West and Central Africa. They have golden fur with a green tingle on it. The monkey’s tail is semi prehensile and long. They have a white outline around the dark face which is hairless.
They were never involved in any dangerous confrontation. They are diurnal and start the peak activity in the morning. The monkey is terrestrial but sometimes sleeps on trees as well.
The average weight is 910 g, and body length is 40-43(males), 34-39(females).
This monkey can live 11 to 13 years in captivity during 10-12 years in the wild.
The diet contains seeds, nuts, fruits, gums, fungi, insects, eggs, flowers, leaves and small vertebrates.
Black Bearded Saki
It is one of the monkeys that left from this kind and belonged to the New World Monkeys family. The monkey can recognize by their black hair, different beard, and tail with bushy fox appearance. The back and shoulder have yellowish-brown highlights, and males are more significant than females.
They are social with grooming and playing nature. The monkey travels in a group of 30 individuals and spends time in food searching.
The monkey’s weight is 2.5 kg and length is 76 cm.
The average lifespan of this monkey is 18 years.
It includes fruits, nuts, insects, and seeds.
Formosan Rock Macaque
It is also known as Taiwanese macaque. They have long tales, and the body is covered with brown or grey color. The monkey’s cheeks are pouch-like.
They live in hardwoods, grasslands, and bamboos. They are active at day time and arboreal. However, these monkeys are terrestrial, mostly live on trees. Their resting place is forest and finds food in grassland.
The average weight is 5.7 kg, and body length is 88 cm (male) 50 cm (female).
It can live for 30 years.
It consists of buds, grass, leaves, snails, insects and eggs.
Golden Monkey
They are the old world monkeys belonging to Central Africa. Their back is covered with the reddish color, and dark patches on the dorsal part of the sides. Females have a lighter body tone and less grayish brown spots.
The monkey lives in a group of 30-80 members. They are social species that spend most of their day in activities and go for sleep at night.
The monkey has 13 kg of weight and 65 cm body length.
It can live for 20 years.
It includes fruits, leaves and invertebrates.
Colombian White-Faced Capuchin
It is also known as Colombian white-throated capuchin, or Colombian white-headed Capuchin monkey belonging to the New World monkey family and medium in size. They have white throat, chest, upper arms, shoulders and face. It has black tail, legs, body and top of the head.
This animal lives in a group of 18-20 animals with a daily lifestyle. They have a playful and active response.
The monkey’s body weight is 2.2-1.8 kg, and body length is 84-86 cm.
It can live for 55 years.
The diet consists of nuts, fruits, invertebrates, and birds.
If you want to know more about monkeys so go here Capuchin monkeys
Mantled Guereza
It is also known as Guereza from the Old World monkeys family. One can find them in Africa. It has a face covered with white hair with the white tufts. Their back contains white hair while the full-body comes in black color.
They are not territorial, and groups can get aggressive sometimes. However, the adult males get the grooming in groups.
Their weight is 14 g and length is 1.3 m.
They can live for 20 years in the wild and 29 years in captivity.
It eats seeds, fruits, arthropods and leaves.
Sooty Mangabey
The Old World monkey family member lives in the forests of Senegal.
The sooty mangabey has a low aggression rate and comes with a combative tone.
The weight is 5.6-11 kg and length is 1.1-1.2 m.
The average lifespan is 18 years.
It includes invertebrates, seeds and fruits.
Black Howler
It belongs to the New World Monkeys lives in Northeastern Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. They are the Largest Monkey Breeds. The males are full black while the females are brown. They have a prehensile tail.
They deliver howling signals to everyone to announce their location. Them have a habit of maintaining distances between groups. He rub themselves to mark their home range.
It has 4-10 kg weight and 56-91 cm body length.
The monkey can live for 15-20 years.
It contains different types of leaves.
The other name for this breed is bleeding heart monkey from the Old World monkeys family. One can find them in Ethiopian highlands and the Simien Mountains. They are the Large Monkey Breeds with the energetic body. The monkey is covered with the buff to dark color. They have a gloomy face but pale eyelids. However, their arms and feet are black, hairless face and a short tail.
They live in a group which includes one male, different females and offspring. However, the groups are also known as one male unit. They are not territorial, and grooming is a part of their lifestyle.
Their weight is almost 16 kg, and body length is 62 cm.
Gelada monkeys can live for 30 years.
They love to eat grass blades and seeds of grasses.
Crab Eating Macaque
It is also known as a long-tailed macaque found in Southeast Asia. The monkey has underbelly in a lighter tone and pinkish face. However, the other body is covered with the grayish brown color. They come with the tuft on the head that creates a fluffy crown. It is a Domesticated Monkey breed.
They have an amazingly organized social structure where males and females are dominant. They contain a cheek pouch to store food.
The male monkey has 2 kg of weight while females have 1.4 kg. Furthermore their body length is 85 cm (female) and 80 cm (male). The tail length is 47-54 cm.
It can live for 37.1 years approximately.
The diet includes seeds, nuts, insects, small reptiles, fish, fruits, crustaceans and amphibians.
Venezuelan Red Howler
It is also known as Colombian red howler monkey found in Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia.
They contain reddish-brown color, but it changes with age. They have stubby noses and faces covered with fur. The monkey has a more massive jawbone.
They are active in the morning and move to find food in groups. Their dawn chorus is famous and males mostly howles or roar when required. Male howls right after waking up in the morning and at night. This is their sign of letting other groups know about their territories. They live in trees to get most of the leaves and do not like rain at all.
The male monkey has 5 kg weight while females have 3.1 kg. The body length is 1.1 m (male) and 97 cm females.
The monkey can live for 15-25 years.
It includes flowers, small birds, leaves, fruits, mammals and reptiles.
If you are interested in monkeys so go here Howler Monkey
Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
It is an Old World monkey breed found in central and southwest China. The monkey has a golden orange color on the neck, stomach and forehead. However, there is dark marking at the nape, outer arms, tail, thigh and crown. Furthermore, their infants are covered with the creamy grey-brown coating. They have a pale blue face with large canines and a flat nose.
The monkey is one of the highly social primates that shows behaviour called fission and fusion. It is the seasonal grouping and splitting of members. They create groups of 20-70 monkeys in winter. However, this behaviour is not present in other primates.
The average weight is 13 kg, and body length is 65 cm.
Monkeys can live for 20-25 years.
Their diet includes buds, mature leaves, seeds, barks, herbs, flowers and lichens.
Grivet Monkey
It is an African grey monkey with long white tufts and hair covering both sides of the face. Their face, hands and feet are black and white lines at eyebrows. The cheeks come with the white whiskers and back covered with olive-colored fur. It has a blue tint on the stomach and bristly feels hair. It is considered as the Domesticated Monkey breed.
They are active at day time and find food on the ground but sleep on trees. They spend their day playing, climbing, grooming, and fighting.
Their body weight is 3.4-8.0 kg, and body length is 42-49 cm.
It has an average lifespan of 31 years.
It includes gums, flowers, bark, seeds, leaves, grass and insects.
Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkey
It belongs to the New World Monkey Family found in Peru. They have a dark reddish-brown color with white rings present on the mouth. Furthermore, the tail is covered with the yellow-colored strip.
Due to the dense woolly body, they can live in cold areas. The monkey shows aggressive behavior includes barking calls or mooning during the first encounter.
The monkey’s weight is 8.2 kg, and body length is 51.3-52.5 cm.
They can live for almost 25-30 years.
It includes fruits, flowers, buds, roots and leaves.
It is the primate of Old World Monkeys. They have a dark brown color with pink lips, white chin, and raised grooves on the nose. However their face is grey to black in color and rump is blue, pink and mauve.
They live in groups of 20-30 members and join others to create super groups with 100 individuals. They mark their territory on trees by rubbing their chest on them. The monkey is territorial, finds food on the ground and sleeps on trees.
The average weight is 50 kg (male) and 12.5 kg (females). Monkey’s body length is 70 cm.
The average age of this monkey is 28 years.
It includes roots, eggs, insects, herbs and fruits.
Myanmar Snub-Nosed Monkey
It is also known as black snub-nosed monkey found in Northern Burma. They are covered with the black fur and white ear tufts, beard, perineal area and chin. It has a long tail.
There is no such information about the behavior of Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys, but it is probably similar to the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey.
The monkey weight is 17 kg (male) and 9 kg (females). Their body length is 55 cm, and the tail is 78 cm long.
The monkey can live for 20-25 years.
It consists of seeds, bark,
buds, lichen and stem.
Red Faced Spider Monkey
It is also known as the Guiana spider monkey found in South America. The monkey is covered with long black hair and short or few hairs on a pink face. However, their babies have dark looks that get lighter with age. They have long and healthy limbs and a prehensile tail.
They show fission and fusion behavior. The monkeys sleep in large bands at night and spend their days with their group.
Their weight is 1.3 kg female and 920 g male. However, their body length is 55.2-55.7 cm.
The monkey can live for 33 years.
The monkey can eat leaves, fruits, flowers, and berries.
Tufted Capuchin
The other name for this breed is Black Cap Capuchin Monkey, found in South America. It is a social animal and travels in a group of 8-15 members.
It has the most influential body as compared to others. The monkey has round fur at the body with a long yet thick tail. Due to the thick hair on the head, it gives a wig like an appearance. The body is covered with brownish-grey hair. However, the belly has a lighter tone as compared to the full-body colour. It has a black hand and feet. The prehensile tail is stiff and used for grasping.
The weight of this monkey is 1.9-4.8 kg, with the body length 32-5 7 cm. It comes with the 38-56 cm tail length. Moreover, males are heavier and more giant as compared to females.
They love to eat nuts, fruits, larvae, eggs, insects, young birds, bats, frogs, lizards, and rodents.
They can live for 15-25 years. However, if you keep them as pets and provide adequate care, then the monkey could live as long as 50 years.
Mantled Howler
This is a species of Howler Monkey also known as the Golden Mantled Howling Monkey. One can find them in South and Central America. They are black with the yellow guard hair at flanks.
They love to spend time on trees and stay active during the daytime, same as other species. They travel in the forest by walking or climbing on trees.
The average weight is 5-6.8 kg, and body length is 20-27 inches(male) and 18-25 inches (female).
The monkey can live for 15-20 years.
It includes fruits, petioles, flowers, leaves and buds.
De Brazza Monkey
It is from the Old World monkeys family found in Central Africa. They have grey fur on the body and reddish-brown color at the back. The monkey’s limb and the tail are black with a white rump. They have cheek pouches to carry food.
The monkey has a habit of dwelling in tree canopy. They live in small groups and territories.
The average weight is 3-3.4 kg, and body length is 75-93 cm.
It has an average lifespan of 22 years.
It includes seeds, fruits, mushrooms, leaves and insects.
Capuchin Monkey
Capuchin monkeys are the new world monkeys belonging to the subfamily Cabine. The Capuchin Monkey Scientific Name is Cabine. These monkeys are used in different television shows and movies due to their organ-grinder behavior. They are found in South and Central America in tropical forests. The other name for this monkey is Sapajou.
They are lazy during the day and live in small groups. However, they become aggressive when it comes to their homes.
The monkey’s weight is 1.4-4 kg.
They can live for 25 years.
It includes small birds, leaves, nuts, insects, leaves, and frogs.
Monkeys Size
Monkeys have different sizes and body length. It is a name this is given to multiple groups and breeds. But usually, the monkey’s weight is 37 kg, and body length is 75-85 cm. The old world monkeys are the Large Monkey Breeds while the New World Monkeys are Small Monkeys Breeds with low weight and body size.
Monkeys Weight
Every monkey species has a different weight and body length. It starts from 2 kg to 37 kg.
Monkeys Care
Whether it’s a large Monkey Breed or Tiny Monkey Breeds if you are looking to have them as pet care is a must. Following are the steps to follow to provide excellent care:
Monkeys Lifestyle
It includes:
Monkeys Food
Following are the monkey diet:
Monkeys Color
It comes in white, red, golden, white and some contain pink or blue markings.
Monkeys Cage
It is necessary to keep the monkeys in a cage. However, one can find it from any pet shop or online site. Make sure to keep their cage clean and bacteria proof.
Monkeys Habits
It includes;
Monkeys Price
The Monkeys cost $4000-$8000. However, the price mainly depends on their age, training, and breed. One can get the Small Monkey Breeds For Sale from any pet shop nearby. Before getting this animal, make sure if they are allowed in your state or not.
Monkeys Information
Monkey is a primate that means they are not ape, prosimian and human. They have two groups called Old world monkey and New World Monkey. They contain their fingerprints the same as a human. All of them have fur, including multiple colors, tails. However, mostly monkeys are brown or black.
Monkeys Facts
Here are the facts of the monkeys:
Monkeys Behaviors
Following are the monkey behaviors:
1. How many monkey breeds are there?
There are 260 monkey breeds around the world.
2. What are the different types of monkeys?
Following are the different types of monkey:
And the list of monkeys goes on.
3. What is the most common type of monkey?
The most common type of monkey is crab-eating macaque, rhesus macaque, and grivet.
4. What is the friendliest monkey?
Capuchin monkey is the most friendly.
5. How many species of monkeys are there?
There are 260 monkey species around the globe.
Monkey is mainly the common name given to multiple species. We discussed the different monkey species in detail and mentioned all the information regarding it.
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